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Discerning the causes of a decline in a common European fish, the roach (Rutilus rutilus L.): A modelling approach

机译:辨别引起欧洲常见鱼类减少的原因:蟑螂(Rutilus rut​​ilus L.):一种建模方法

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Stock assessment of roach (Rutilus rutilus) in the river Meuse (Belgium), based on two decades of research, indicated a sudden stock decline since the early 2010s. While roach was very abundant during the 1990s and beginning of the 2000s with densities estimated around 3000-3700 fish ha(-1), densities dropped below 400 fish ha(-1) since 2010. A drop in primary production since 2005 and an increase in predation pressure by the Great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) between 2000 and 2006 are listed among potential explanations. In the present study, three scenarios were explored using an age-structured Leslie matrix to investigate if bottom-up control (phytoplankton driven), top-down control (predation driven) or a combination of both can explain the observed decline of roach stock. Including only a phytoplankton-dependent reduction of carrying capacity into the model (i.e. bottom-up control) accurately predicted the observed densities. If only predation by wintering populations of Great Cormorant was considered, the model did not predict the observed decline in roach stock. Combining top-down and bottom-up effects into the model resulted in a comparable fit as when including bottom-up effects alone. Taken together, our results suggest that roach decline is mainly driven by phytoplankton decline. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:根据二十年来的研究,对默兹河(比利时)中的蟑螂(Rutilus rut​​ilus)进行了种群评估,表明自2010年代初以来种群突然减少。虽然蟑螂在1990年代和2000年代初期非常丰富,密度估计约为3000-3700鱼ha(-1),但自2010年以来密度下降到400鱼ha(-1)以下。2005年以来初级产量下降,产量增加在2000年至2006年间,由大cor(Phalacrocorax carbo)造成的捕食压力可能是其中的原因。在本研究中,使用年龄结构的莱斯利矩阵探讨了三种情况,以研究自下而上的控制(浮游植物驱动),自上而下的控制(捕食驱动)或两者结合可以解释观察到的蟑螂种群减少的情况。仅将依赖浮游植物的携带能力降低纳入模型(即自下而上控制)即可准确预测观测到的密度。如果仅考虑大Cor越冬种群的捕食,则该模型无法预测观察到的蟑螂种群减少。将自上而下和自下而上的效果组合到模型中,可以得到与仅包含自下而上的效果时相当的拟合度。两者合计,我们的结果表明蟑螂的减少主要是由浮游植物减少引起的。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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