
Compositions of Mercury's earliest crust from magma ocean models


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The size of the Mercurian core and the low ferrous iron bearing silicate content of its crust offer constraints on formation models for the planet. Here we consider a bulk composition that allows endogenous formation of the planet's large core, and by processing the mantle through a magma ocean, would produce a low-iron oxide crust consistent with observations. More Earth-like bulk compositions require silicate removal, perhaps by a giant impact, to create the planet's large core fraction. We find that the endogenous model can produce a large core with either a plagioclase flotation crust or a low-iron oxide magmatic crust. Because a magma ocean creates a gradient in iron oxide content in the resulting planetary mantle, the parts of the mantle removed by a putative giant impact could result in either a high-iron oxide mantle in contradiction to current crustal measurements, or a low-iron oxide mantle consistent with the current understanding of Mercury. If a giant impact cannot preferentially remove shallow mantle material then the proto-Mercury must have had a bulk low iron-oxide composition. Thus a specific bulk composition is required to make Mercury endogenously, and either a specific process or a specific composition is required to make it exogenously through giant impact. Measurements taken by the MESSENGER mission, when compared to predictions given here, may help resolve Mercury's formation process.



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