首页> 外文期刊>Earth and Planetary Science Letters: A Letter Journal Devoted to the Development in Time of the Earth and Planetary System >Osmium isotope systematics of the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic ophiolitic chromitites: In situ ion probe analysis of primary Os-rich PGM

Osmium isotope systematics of the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic ophiolitic chromitites: In situ ion probe analysis of primary Os-rich PGM

机译:原生质和杂多性辉绿岩铬铁矿的is同位素体系:原位富Os PGM的原位离子探针分析

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In situ Os-187/Os-188 ratios are determined on Os-rich platinum-group minerals in podiform chromitites both in the Proterozoic ophiolite, Eastern Desert, Egypt, and in the Phanerozoic Oman ophiolite. Because they have very low Re/Os, these primary minerals reflect the initial Os-187/Os-188 ratios of their parental magmas. The platinum-group minerals (PGM) in the central Eastern Desert chromitites exhibit sub-chondritic to chondritic Os-187/Os-188 ratios, 0.1226 on average, which is lower than the primitive upper mantle evolution trend of a comparable age. Those of the southern Eastern Desert chromitites have more radiogenic Os, with supra-chondritic Os-187/Os-188 ratio of about 0.1293 on average, which could be due to crustal contamination. The three chromitite types in the northern part of the Oman ophiolite are almost indistinguishable in terms of their Os-187/Os-188 ratios; they have overlapping values ranging from sub-chondritic to supra-chondritic ratios. The PGE-rich, mantle chromitite samples have a wide range Of Os-187/Os-188 ratio from 0.1230 up to 0.1376, with an average of 0.1299. The values of the PGE-poor mantle chromitites overlap in their Os-187/Os-188 ratios with PGE-rich chromites, but are less variable and have a significantly higher average ratio. The Moho transition zone (MTZ) chromitites are highly variable in the Os-187/Os-188 ratio, ranging from 0.1208 up to 0.1459.
机译:原位Os-187 / Os-188的比值由埃及东部沙漠的元古代蛇绿岩和变色阿曼蛇绿岩中豆状铬铁​​矿中富含Os的铂族矿物确定。因为它们的Re / Os非常低,所以这些主要矿物反映出其父母岩浆的初始Os-187 / Os-188比。东部沙漠铬铁矿中部的铂族矿物(PGM)呈现出次软骨与软骨的Os-187 / Os-188比值,平均为0.1226,低于可比年龄的原始上地幔演化趋势。东部沙漠南部铬铁矿的那些具有更多的放射源Os,超软骨岩Os-187 / Os-188之比平均约为0.1293,这可能是由于地壳污染所致。阿曼蛇绿岩北部的三种亚铬铁矿类型的Os-187 / Os-188比例几乎无法区分。它们具有重叠的值,范围从次软骨比到超软骨比。富含PGE的地幔铬铁矿样品的Os-187 / Os-188比率范围很广,从0.1230到0.1376,平均值为0.1299。缺少PGE的地幔铬铁矿的值与富含PGE的铬铁矿的Os-187 / Os-188比率重叠,但变化较小,并且平均比率明显较高。 Moho过渡带(MTZ)铬铁矿的Os-187 / Os-188比值变化很大,范围从0.1208到0.1459。



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