首页> 外文期刊>Ecological engineering: The Journal of Ecotechnology >Characterizing the spatial pattern of marshlands in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China

Characterizing the spatial pattern of marshlands in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China


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Over the past three decades, the marshlands in Northeast China's Sanjiang Plain have undergone dramatic loss and fragmentation. This study has analyzed the loss area and pattern of these marshlands for the period 1982-2010 using remote sensing data. The marshlands area decreased 786.69 x 103 ha until 2010. The landscape pattern changes of the marshlands and other land use types were analyzed spa-tiotemporally for the years of 1982,2000 and 2010. Results showed that during the period from 1982 to 2010, the gravity center of marshlands migrated 0.2170° southward, then again 0.0848° eastward, moving it a total of 25002.59 m. Spatial distribution of the marshlands continually migrated southeastward which was influenced by the landscape characteristics, such as the location of the marshlands in the watershed, geomorphology, and anthropogenicatural causes, such as the intensity of agricultural development, population and climatic change. The southern and northern marshlands loss rates were very different between 1982-2000 and 2000-2010. The reclamation intensity of cultivated regions in central parts inclined to north of the Sanjiang Plain had been strengthened again, and the reclamation ratio changed from less than 0.5 to nearly 0.8 even to 1 when comparing 1982-2000 with 2000-2010. Increasing air temperature would otherwise have enhanced grain yields and stimulated marshlands conversion into croplands.
机译:在过去的三十年中,中国东北三江平原的沼泽地遭受了巨大的损失和支离破碎。这项研究使用遥感数据分析了1982-2010年期间这些沼泽地的损失面积和格局。到2010年,沼泽地面积减少了786.69 x 103公顷。对1982、2000和2010年的沼泽地和其他土地利用类型的景观格局变化进行了时空分析。结果表明,在1982年至2010年期间,沼泽地的重心向南偏移0.2170°,然后向东偏移0.0848°,共向25002.59 m移动。沼泽地的空间分布持续向东南移动,这受景观特征的影响,例如流域中沼泽地的位置,地貌和人为/自然原因,例如农业发展的强度,人口和气候变化。南部和北部沼泽地的损失率在1982-2000年和2000-2010年之间差异很大。 1982-2000年与2000-2010年相比,三江平原以北中部地区耕地的开垦强度再次得到加强,开垦率从小于0.5变为接近0.8,甚至变为1。否则,升高气温将提高谷物产量并刺激沼泽地转化为农田。



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