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Ulisse Aldrovandi's Color Sensibility: Natural History, Language and the Lay Color Practices of Renaissance Virtuosi

机译:乌里斯·阿尔德罗万迪(Ulisse Aldrovandi)的色彩敏锐度:自然历史,语言和文艺复兴时期维特奥西的传统色彩实践

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Famed for his collection of drawings of naturalia and his thoughts on the relationship between painting and natural knowledge, it now appears that the Bolognese naturalist Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522-1605) also pondered specifically color and pigments, compiling not only lists and diagrams of color terms but also a full-length unpublished manuscript entitled De coloribus or Trattato dei colori. Introducing these writings for the first time, this article portrays a scholar not so much interested in the materiality of pigment production, as in the cultural history of hues. It argues that these writings constituted an effort to build a language of color, in the sense both of a standard nomenclature of hues and of a lexicon, a dictionary of their denotations and connotations as documented in the literature of ancients and moderns. This language would serve the naturalist in his artistic patronage and his natural historical studies, where color was considered one of the most reliable signs for the correct identification of specimens, and a guarantee of accuracy in their illustration. Far from being an exception, Aldrovandi's 'color sensibility' spoke of that of his university-educated nature-loving peers.
机译:博洛涅塞的博物学家Ulisse Aldrovandi(1522-1605)似乎还特别考虑了颜色和颜料,不仅收集了颜色术语表和图表,还以其收藏的自然图画和对绘画与自然知识之间关系的思考而闻名。而且还有未出版的完整手稿《 De coloribus或Trattato dei colori》。本文是首次介绍这些著作,描绘的是一位学者,对色料的生产重要性不如对色泽的文化历史感兴趣。它认为,这些著作是一种努力,旨在建立一种色彩语言,既是色调的标准命名法,又是词典的含义,是古代和现代文学中所记录的其含义和含义的词典。这种语言将为博物学家在其艺术赞助和自然历史研究中服务,在这种情况下,颜色被认为是正确识别标本的最可靠标志之一,并保证了其插图的准确性。阿尔德罗万迪(Aldrovandi)的“色彩敏感性”绝非例外,谈到了他受大学教育的热爱自然的同龄人。



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