首页> 外文期刊>Ecological engineering: The Journal of Ecotechnology >Effects of engineered use of water hyacinths (Eicchornia crassipes) on the zooplankton community in Lake Taihu, China

Effects of engineered use of water hyacinths (Eicchornia crassipes) on the zooplankton community in Lake Taihu, China

机译:工程化使用风信子(Eicchornia crassipes)对太湖浮游动物群落的影响

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To evaluate the ecological consequences of engineered use of water hyacinths in Lake Taihu, China, we conducted a systematic survey of the dynamics of the zooplankton community (mainly copepods, clado-cerans, and rotifers) inside (INE), around (ARE), and far-outside (FAE) a large-scale enclosure of water hyacinths in Zhushan Bay, Lake Taihu from August to November 2009 and calculated five response variables for the zooplankton community for each area. INE, ARE, and FAE differed little in their zooplankton composition at the genus level: the 16 of 21 identified genera were common and the same 6 zooplankton genera were dominant in all three areas, and only 5 sparse zooplankton genera were not collected from all three areas. The average abundance of each zooplankton faunal group and their annual trends displayed similar patterns in INE, ARE, and FAE. The only significant difference (p< 0.05) detected was between INE and FAE in the average abundance of cladoceran fauna (INE> FAE) and rotifer fauna (INE< FAE). The four diversity indices calculated for each zooplankton faunal group did not differ among INE, ARE, and FAE. These results suggest that the zooplankton community in Lake Taihu is not significantly affected by the engineered use of water hyacinths. Thus, use of Eicchornia crassipes appears to be an ecologically safe biomanipulation measure for purifying polluted water in temperate lakes such as Lake Taihu.
机译:为了评估中国太湖水葫芦的工程利用对生态的影响,我们对(INE),(ARE)附近,(INE)附近的浮游动物群落(主要是co足类,螯虾和轮虫)进行了系统的调查, 2009年8月至2009年11月,在太湖竹山湾进行了大型风信子的围挡,并计算了每个区域浮游动物群落的五个响应变量。 INE,ARE和FAE在属水平上的浮游动物组成差异不大:在所有三个区域中,已鉴定的21个属中的16个是常见的,并且相同的6个浮游动物属占主导地位,并且从这三个区域中仅收集了5个稀疏的浮游动物属地区。每个浮游动物群的平均丰度及其年度趋势在INE,ARE和FAE中显示出相似的模式。检测到的唯一显着差异(p <0.05)是INE和FAE之间的枝角类动物(INE> FAE)和轮虫动物(INE



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