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Origins, Functions, and Persistence of Crop Biodiversity in the Betsileo


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In order to assess Malagasy crop biodiversity (CB) richness and stability on a regional scale, an analysis at both species and variety levels was carried out in the Betsileo area of the Madagascar Highlands. The study zone was a transect between the humid forest zone and the drier savanna. Peasant agriculture is faced with the challenges of a fast-growing resident population, government development and forest conservation-based policies. Sampling was done at two scales: five villages and 45 farms representative of three main farm types (small and poor, medium-sized, and richer farms). Farm surveys were conducted to collect data on several aspects of CB: taxonomic richness, functions, origin, date of introduction, rarity, and threats. Forty-five species were recorded altogether. The number of species in each village varies from 27 (a forest village) to 41 (a savanna village). Sixteen species are omnipresent in the area: they constitute the common base of Betsileo agriculture. On the farm scale, species diversity is high everywhere: each farm grows half the species present in its village, but only several varieties thereof. Yet the six main species include 57 varieties in all, of which 46% are ancient and 76% are hardy landraces. The bigger farms grow significantly fewer varieties than smaller, poorer farms. Successful varietal introductions have not reduced local varietal diversity. Regional and local varietal richness of a species is closely linked to the number of varieties per farm, depending on local importance, ecological suitability, and risk management, and is increased by seed exchanges. Betsileo agriculture appears to be simultaneously dynamic and faithful to its risk strategies, way of life, and values, allowing conservation of its technical, genetic, and cognitive capital. Current individual practices of conservation of rare varieties through small collections and seed exchanges should be supplemented by collective actions
机译:为了在区域范围内评估马达加斯加人作物生物多样性的丰富性和稳定性,在马达加斯加高地的Betsileo地区进行了物种和品种水平的分析。研究区是潮湿森林区和干燥大草原之间的一个断面。农民农业面临着人口快速增长,政府发展和基于森林保护的政策的挑战。抽样分为两个级别:五个村庄和45个农场,代表三种主要农场类型(小型和贫困,中型和较富裕的农场)。进行了农场调查,以收集有关认证机构几个方面的数据:分类学丰富性,功能,起源,引入日期,稀有性和威胁。共记录了45种。每个村庄的物种数量从27个(森林村)到41个(热带稀树草原村)不等。该地区有16种无处不在:它们构成了Betsileo农业的共同基础。在农场规模上,各地的物种多样性都很高:每个农场都生长着其村庄中现有物种的一半,但只有几种。然而,这六个主要物种共包括57个品种,其中46%是古老品种,而76%是强壮的地方品种。规模较大的农场比规模较小的贫穷农场种植的品种明显少得多。成功的品种引进并没有减少当地品种的多样性。一个物种的区域和当地品种丰富度与每个农场的品种数量紧密相关,这取决于当地的重要性,生态适应性和风险管理,并且通过种子交换而增加。 Betsileo农业似乎既动态又忠实于其风险策略,生活方式和价值观念,从而可以保护其技术,遗传和认知资本。目前应通过集体行动和稀有种子交换来保护稀有品种的个别做法,应通过集体行动加以补充



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