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Multilateral technology then and now


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Many of us can cite epochs in the petroleum industry's history. But often not so memorable is the evolution of technologies that seem new and "cutting edge" but actually have a long history of development. A case in point is multilaterals. You may be surprised to learn that the first multilateral technology patent was filed in 1929 and was followed by additional patents and rudimentary attempts to drill multilateral wells in the 1930s. Some sources credit Leo Ranney with being the first to try horizontals and multilaterals in the United States. Ranney, a Canadian, was a consulting engineer in Texas and Oklahoma. In 1925, he developed the Ranney method of using horizontal wells to extract oil from exhausted fields. Standard Oil Company of New Jersey bought out his patent and made him president of Ranney Oil and Mining Company, a subsidiary of Standard Oil from 1930 to 1938. In 1939, Ranney drilled an 8 ft (2.44 m) vertical shaft in Ohio, put men and equipment in the bottom of the hole and drilled a horizontal section. He is also reported to have drilled in a horizontal radial pattern like the spokes of a wheel, establishing probably the first multilateral with horizontal sections.
机译:我们中的许多人都可以引用石油工业的历史纪元。但是,往往不是那么令人难忘的是技术的发展,这些技术似乎是新的和“尖端”,但实际上具有悠久的发展历史。一个典型的例子是多边。您可能会惊讶地发现,第一个多边技术专利于1929年申请,随后又有其他专利和1930年代对多边井进行钻探的初步尝试。一些消息来源称赞Leo Ranney是第一个在美国尝试横向和多边战略的人。 Ranney是加拿大人,曾是德克萨斯州和俄克拉荷马州的咨询工程师。 1925年,他开发了Ranney方法,该方法使用水平井从枯竭的油田中提取石油。新泽西州标准石油公司买断了他的专利,并从1930年到1938年使他成为标准石油公司的子公司兰尼石油和矿业公司的总裁。1939年,兰尼在俄亥​​俄州钻了一个8英尺(2.44 m)的竖井,和设备在孔的底部并钻出一个水平截面。据报道,他还钻过类似轮辐的水平径向花纹,可能是第一个带有水平截面的多边钻。



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