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Non-timber forest product harvest in variable environments: Modeling the effect of harvesting as a stochastic sequence


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With increasing reports of overexploitation of wild plants for timber and non-timber forest products, there has been an increase in the number of studies investigating the effect of harvest on the dynamics of harvested populations. However, most studies have failed to account for temporal and spatial variability in the ecological conditions in which these species occur, as well as variability in the patterns of harvest intensity. In reality, local harvesters harvest at variable rather than fixed intensity over time. Here we used Markov chains to investigate how different patterns of harvesting intensity (summarized as return time to high harvest) affected the stochastic population growth rate (λ_s) and its elasticity to perturbation of means and variances of vital rates. We studied the effect of bark and foliage harvest from African mahogany Khaya senegalensis in two contrasting ecological regions in Benin. Khaya populations declined regardless of time between harvests of high intensity. Moreover, λ_s increased with decreasing harvesting pressure in the dry region but, surprisingly, declined in the moist region toward λ_s = 0.956. The stochastic elasticity was dominated by the stasis of juveniles and adults. The declining growth rate with decreasing harvest pressure in the moist region was mainly driven by the declining mean survival rates of juveniles and adults. Our results suggest that modeling the temporal variability of harvest intensity as a Markov chain better mimics local practices and provides insights that are missed when temporal variability in harvest intensity is modeled as independent over time and drawn from a fixed distribution.
机译:随着越来越多关于野生动植物过度利用木材和非木材林产品的报道,调查采伐对采伐种群动态的影响的研究数量有所增加。但是,大多数研究未能说明这些物种发生的生态条件在时间和空间上的变异性以及收获强度模式的变异性。实际上,随着时间的推移,本地收割机的收获强度是可变的,而不是固定的。在这里,我们使用马尔可夫链研究了不同的收获强度模式(概括为高收成的返回时间)如何影响随机种群的增长率(λ_s)及其对均值和均值波动的微扰。我们研究了在贝宁两个相反的生态区域中从非洲桃花心木塞内加尔红树皮收获树皮和树叶的影响。无论高强度收获之间有多长时间,海牙种群数量都会下降。此外,随着干旱地区收获压力的降低,λ_s增大,但令人惊讶的是,在潮湿地区,λ_s下降至λ_s= 0.956。随机弹性主要由少年和成年人的滞留决定。在潮湿地区,随着收获压力的降低,增长率下降,这主要是由于少年和成年人的平均生存率下降。我们的结果表明,将收获强度的时间变异性建模为马尔可夫链更好地模仿了当地的做法,并提供了将收获强度的时间变异性建模为随时间独立并从固定分布中提取出来的见解。



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