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Prioritizing the Conservation of Epiphytic Bromeliads Using Ethnobotanical Information from a Traditional Mexican Market


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The study of traditional markets is a useful tool in the development of studies on species management and conservation because it allows us to identify the species under collection pressure as well as the intensity of their collection. The "Mercado de Jamaica" in Mexico City, Mexico, is one of the main places where cut flowers and foliage are sold. Given that wild bromeliads commercialized in Mexico originate from natural populations, their collection has put certain species at risk, and developing management and conservation programs for them has become an urgent priority. Hence, we carried out an ethnobotanical study focused exclusively on bromeliads used as cut flowers and/or foliage. To obtain information on the species, plant parts, number of plants sold, and vendor characteristics, we made monthly visits to the Mercado de Jamaica over a year (January 2014 to January 2015) to conduct semistructured interviews with bromeliad vendors. We also bought species samples for taxonomic identification. Twelve species belonging to the genus Tillandsia L. were identified, 66% of which are endemic to Mexico. Approximately 60,300 inflorescences and/or whole plants are sold per year. Tillandsia punctulata Schltdl. & Cham. was sold the most (16,200 plants), followed by Tillandsia makoyana Baker (9,200 inflorescences). Sale prices varied between MXN 10-70 (Mexican pesos). Bromeliads were collected from the states of Veracruz, Puebla, and Michoacan. Of the 10 bromeliad vendors, 60% were collectors between 26 and 65 years old. The collection of wild bromeliads for sale as cut flowers or foliage could have a strong impact on the conservation of these species because of the loss of adult individuals-adulthood being the most vulnerable stage in the life cycles of these plants. This loss, along with the loss of inflorescences, which eliminates the seeds that give rise to new individuals and constantly colonize new trees, could threaten the survival of epiphytic bromeliad populations.
机译:传统市场研究是开展物种管理和保护研究的有用工具,因为它使我们能够识别处于采集压力下的物种及其采集强度。墨西哥墨西哥城的“牙买加人民市场”是出售切花和绿叶的主要地方之一。鉴于在墨西哥商业化的野生凤梨科植物起源于自然种群,其采集使某些物种处于危险之中,为它们制定管理和保护计划已成为当务之急。因此,我们进行了一项植物学研究,专门研究用作切花和/或叶子的凤梨科植物。为了获得有关物种,植物部位,出售的植物数量和供应商特征的信息,我们在一年中(2014年1月至2015年1月)每月一次访问了牙买加市场,与凤梨供应商进行了半结构化访谈。我们还购买了物种样本进行分类识别。确定了属于铁兰属的十二种,其中66%是墨西哥特有的。每年售出约60,300个花序和/或整株植物。铁兰(Tillandsia punctulata Schltdl)。和湛。最多的是卖出的(16,200株),其次是Tillandsia makoyana Baker(9,200个花序)。售价在MXN 10-70(墨西哥比索)之间。凤梨科从韦拉克鲁斯州,普埃布拉州和米却肯州收集。在10个凤梨卖家中,有60%是26至65岁的收藏家。出售切花或叶子的野生凤梨科植物可能会对这些物种的保存产生重大影响,因为成年个体的流失-成年是这些植物生命周期中最脆弱的阶段。这种损失,以及失去花序的现象,会消除产生新个体的种子并不断在新树丛中定植,可能威胁附生凤梨科种群的生存。



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