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The Trade in and Household Use of Phoenix reclinata Palm Frond Hand Brushes on the Wild Coast, South Africa


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The Trade in and Household Use of Phoenix reclinata Palm Frond Hand Brushes on the Wild Coast, South Africa. This paper reports on an investigation of the harvesting, trade, and use of hand brushes made from fronds of the wild palm, Phoenix reclinata. We considered both the abundance of the resource as well as the demand. Within the harvesting areas, there were approximately 141 palm plants per hectare, of which almost two-thirds showed no signs of frond harvesting. During harvesting, most fronds (82%) were left on the plant, 16% were removed to make brushes, and 2% were cut and discarded. Although the number of harvesters had increased during the last decade, most felt that the number of palm plants had remained stable or even increased over the same period. There was strong consensus that cut fronds were replaced within two months, after which a particular stem could be harvested again. Harvesting and trade were practiced largely by middle-aged to elderly women, who had limited formal education, skills, and employment prospects. Most had entered the trade because of cash income poverty. The main markets for selling the palm brushes were in nearby urban areas. The income earned from the trade was modest, but still rated highly by the traders, for most of whom it was the second most-important source of cash income. For many users, the palm brushes was found to be the only type of brush suitable for cleaning mud and cow-dung flooring and, most importantly for many, their use forms part of a long household use history and culture.
机译:南非野生海岸上的Phoenix reclinata Palm Frond手刷的贸易和家庭使用。本文报道了有关野棕榈叶凤凰(Phoenix reclinata)制成的手刷的收获,贸易和使用情况的调查报告。我们既考虑了资源的丰富性,也考虑了需求。在收割区内,每公顷约有141株棕榈树,其中近三分之二没有任何收获的迹象。在收割过程中,大多数叶子(82%)留在了植物上,去除了16%的叶子以制成刷子,并砍掉了2%的叶子并丢弃。尽管在过去十年中收割机的数量有所增加,但大多数人认为棕榈植物的数量在同一时期保持稳定甚至增加。强烈的共识是,在两个月内将切掉的叶替换掉,然后可以再次收获特定的茎。收割和贸易主要由中年妇女进行,老年妇女的正规教育,技能和就业前景有限。由于现金收入贫困,大多数人进入了贸易。出售棕榈刷的主要市场在附近的市区。从交易中获得的收入虽然不高,但仍被交易者高度评价,对于大多数交易者来说,现金收入是第二重要的现金收入来源。对于许多用户而言,人们发现棕榈刷是唯一一种适用于清洁泥浆和牛粪地板的刷子,最重要的是,对于许多用户而言,棕榈刷的使用构成了悠久的家庭使用历史和文化的一部分。



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