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Nodes are finally making their mark


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With their ability to better image difficult geology, seismic nodal systems have gone from idea to reality. Ever since researchers first embraced the concept of multi-component seismic, acquiring shear- as well as compressional-wave data, the industry has been at odds over how best to gather this information, particularly offshore. Since shear waves don't travel through water, the choice was to place sensors on the ocean bottom or measure "converted" shear waves with towed streamers. Purists preferred the first method. But the cost of deploying and recovering these sensors was cost-prohibitive. An interim solution was found with ocean-bottom cables (OBC), which could be lain on the seafloor and recovered after the survey was complete. The deployment was expensive, and while the data were generally of better quality than stremer data, complete coupling to the seafloor could not be guaranteed. OBC equipment could also be subject to damage from fishing vessels and other ship traffic, and it wasn't much easier than streamers to deploy around infrastructure. An increase in commodity prices coupled with the industry's desperate need to learn more about its assets has propelled a new technology forward - the ocean-bottom node. Nodes are placed in a grid using remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), left in place for several days while the survey is being shot and recovered afterwards for data download. While these surveys are quite expensive, they are sometimes the only method available in situations such as heavy infrastructure, environmentally delicate areas or ultradeep water, where working with a cable is difficult.
机译:凭借其能够更好地对困难的地质进行成像的能力,地震节点系统已经从想法变为现实。自从研究人员首次采用多分量地震的概念,获取剪切波和压缩波数据以来,该行业一直在如何最好地收集此类信息(尤其是海上)方面存在分歧。由于剪切波不会在水中传播,因此选择将传感器放置在海底或使用拖缆测量“转换后的”剪切波。纯粹主义者首选第一种方法。但是部署和恢复这些传感器的成本高昂。发现了一种使用海底电缆(OBC)的临时解决方案,该解决方案可以放在海底,并在调查完成后恢复。部署成本很高,尽管数据质量通常比stremer数据要好,但无法保证与海底的完全耦合。 OBC设备也可能会受到渔船和其他船舶交通的损害,并且它比彩带在基础设施周围部署并不容易。大宗商品价格上涨,加上该行业迫切需要了解其资产的迫切需求,推动了一项新技术的发展,即海底节点。使用远程操作车辆(ROV)将节点放置在网格中,并在拍摄调查和恢复数据以供下载后放置几天。虽然这些调查非常昂贵,但有时是在难以使用电缆的情况下(例如基础设施繁重,环境脆弱的地区或超深水)的唯一方法。



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