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Darned if you do. Darned if you don't


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I just ran across a news release mass-published to the public media for unrestricted use. The headline cries, "Disturbing Trend Must be Stopped to Preserve Academic Integrity at US Colleges, Consumer Advocates Warn." That's a grabber, particularly since it is backed by an organization nobly titled the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR). It claim's ConocoPhillips USD6 million gift to the University of Oklahoma School of Geology and Geophysics "is the latest oil giant seeking to buy respectability by capitalizing on the name of a well-known university." It adds, "For a paltry USD6 million, Conoco gets naming rights to the school and an industry-friendly professor to spout their warped view of the world in an academic environment." That's a far cry from the statement that was acknowledged in the organization's release. Actually, school President David Boren said he would recommend renaming the school the ConocoPhillips School of Geology and Geophysics. The outraged organization didn't mention that USD3.5 million of the money would go to scholarships for students, another USD2 million would bring in top educators for those students, and only USD500,000 would go to the school to upgrade laboratory facilities. It also didn't mention Frank Phillips and E.W. Marland, founders of Phillips and Conoco, respectively, were among the first supporters of Oklahoma University. Over the years, donations from both companies have totaled USD33 million. That sounds more like continuing support for a worthy cause than a newly devised campaign trying to "buy respectability." The organization also blasts two other oil companies, saying "A deal at Stanford University funded by ExxonMobil (USD100 million), and another proposed by BP at the University of California Berkeley (USD500 million) are already facing criticism as examples of 'Big Oil U.'"
机译:我只是偶然发现了一个新闻稿,该新闻稿大量发行给了公众媒体,用于不受限制的使用。标题呼吁:“必须停止干扰趋势,以保持美国大学的学术诚信,消费者权益倡导者警告。”这是一个难题,特别是因为它得到了一个名为“纳税人和消费者权益基金会”(FTCR)的组织的大力支持。它声称康菲石油公司向俄克拉何马大学地质与地球物理学院提供了600万美元的礼物,“这是最新的石油巨头,试图利用著名大学的名称来获得尊敬。”它补充说:“仅用区区的600万美元,康菲公司就获得了该学校的冠名权和一位行业友好的教授,可以在学术环境中展示他们对世界的扭曲看法。”这与该组织发布的声明相去甚远。实际上,学校校长戴维·波伦(David Boren)表示,他建议将学校改名为康菲菲利普斯地质与地球物理学院。愤怒的组织没有提到其中的350万美元将用于为学生提供奖学金,另外200万美元将为这些学生带来顶尖的教育工作者,只有50万美元将用于学校升级实验室设施。它也没有提及分别是菲利普斯和康菲公司的创始人弗兰克·菲利普斯和E.W.马兰德是俄克拉荷马大学的第一批支持者。多年来,两家公司的捐款总额达3300万美元。这听起来更像是继续为有价值的事业提供支持,而不是新近试图“赢得尊重”的运动。该组织还炸毁了另外两家石油公司,说:“由埃克森美孚公司资助的斯坦福大学一笔交易(1亿美元),以及加州大学伯克利分校BP提出的另一笔交易(5亿美元)已经受到批评,成为'大石油U的例子。 。”



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