首页> 外文期刊>Eating behaviors >Problematic intake of high-sugar/low-fat and high glycemic index foods by bariatric patients is associated with development of post-surgical new onset substance use disorders

Problematic intake of high-sugar/low-fat and high glycemic index foods by bariatric patients is associated with development of post-surgical new onset substance use disorders


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Bariatric or weight loss surgery (WLS) patients are overrepresented in substance abuse treatment, constituting about 3% of admissions; about 2/3 of such patients deny problematic substance use prior to WLS. It is important to advance our understanding of the emergence of substance use disorders (SUDs) - particularly the New Onset variant - after WLS. Burgeoning research with both animal models and humans suggests that "food addiction" may play a role in certain forms of obesity, with particular risk conferred by foods high in sugar but low in fat. Therefore, we hypothesized that WLS patients who reported pre-WLS problems with High-Sugar/Low-Fat foods and those high on the glycemic index (GI) would be those most likely to evidence New Onset SUDs after surgery. Secondary data analyses were conducted using a de-identified database from 154 bariatric surgery patients (88% female, Mage= 48.7. yrs, SD= 10.8, Mtime since surgery= 2.7 yrs, SD= 2.2 yrs). Participants who endorsed pre-surgical problems with High-Sugar/Low-Fat foods and High GI foods were at greater risk for New Onset SUD in the post-surgical period. These findings remained significant after controlling for other predictors of post-surgical SUD. Our findings provide evidence for the possibility of addiction transfer among certain bariatric patients.
机译:减肥或减肥手术(WLS)患者在药物滥用治疗中占多数,约占入院人数的3%。大约2/3的此类患者否认在WLS之前使用有问题的物质。重要的是,我们必须进一步了解WLS之后出现的药物滥用障碍(SUD),尤其是新发病变种。有关动物模型和人类的新兴研究表明,“食物成瘾”可能在某些形式的肥胖中起作用,尤其是高糖高脂食品会带来一定的风险。因此,我们假设在WLS前报告高糖/低脂食品和血糖指数(GI)高的WLS患者将最有可能在手术后出现新发SUD。使用来自154位减肥手术患者(88%的女性,法师= 48.7。岁,SD = 10.8,手术后Mtime = 2.7岁,SD = 2.2岁)的身份不明数据库进行了二次数据分析。接受高糖/低脂食品和高GI食品的手术前问题的参与者在手术后发生新发SUD的风险更大。在控制了手术后SUD的其他预测因素后,这些发现仍然具有重要意义。我们的发现为某些减肥患者之间转移成瘾的可能性提供了证据。



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