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High-protein maize in dietsfor broilers


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The nutritional performance of three highproteinmaize hybrids was compared with conventionalmaize in a 42-day feeding trial inbroilers. The following experimental dietswere compared: i) control diet (CTR) containingconventional maize; ii) diet containinghybrid IPM1; iii) diet containing hybrid IPM2;iv) diet containing hybrid IPM3. The diets wereoffered to male broilers (Hubbard Ultra-Yield;120 birds per treatment) in 3 phases: starter,grower and finisher. All the diets were isonitrogenousand iso-energetic. The IPM2 andIPM3 diets (containing maize grains with thehighest protein and essential and non-essentialamino acid contents) resulted in a higherfinal weight in broilers (2622 and 2632 g,respectively, versus IPM1 and CTR diets;P<0.05), a higher average daily gain (60.8 and61.4 g/d, respectively, versus IPM1 and CTRdiets; P<0.05) and better feed to gain ratios(1.70 and 1.69, respectively, versus the CTRdiet; P<0.05) throughout the experimentalperiod. The nutritional characteristics of thedifferent maize varieties were also evaluatedusing a 9-day digestibility trial in male rats (6rats per treatment). Higher percentages ofnitrogen retention were obtained from theIPM2 (54.02%) and IPM3 (53.51%) diets comparedwith the CTR (44.20%) and IPM1(41.87%) diets (P<0.05). These results suggesta greater amino acid availability in thediets based on high-protein maize varieties.Therefore, high-protein maize can profitablybe included in broiler diets with the advantageof reducing the use of imported protein sources (such as soybean meal) because of itshigher protein content and consequently, providingsavings on feed costs.
机译:在42天的饲喂试验中,将三种高蛋白玉米杂交种的营养性能与常规玉米进行了比较。比较了以下实验饮食:i)含常规玉米的对照饮食(CTR); ii)含有混合IPM1的饮食; iii)含有混合IPM3的饮食; iv)含有混合IPM3的饮食。日粮分三个阶段提供给雄性肉鸡(Hubbard Ultra-Yield;每次处理120只鸡),分三个阶段:起子,种鸡和育肥。所有的饮食都是等氮和等能量的。 IPM2和IPM3日粮(包含蛋白质含量最高且必需氨基酸和非必需氨基酸含量最高的玉米谷物)导致肉鸡的最终体重更高(分别为2622和2632 g,与IPM1和CTR日粮相比; P <0.05),每日平均数更高在整个实验期间,与IPM1和CTRdiets相比,增重(分别为60.8和61.4 g / d; P <0.05)和更好的进料增重比(相对于CTRdiet,分别为1.70和1.69; P <0.05)。还使用9天的雄性大鼠消化率试验(每种处理6只大鼠)评估了不同玉米品种的营养特性。与CTR(44.20%)和IPM1(41.87%)日粮相比,IPM2(54.02%)和IPM3(53.51%)日粮获得更高的氮保留率(P <0.05)。这些结果表明,基于高蛋白玉米品种的饮食中氨基酸的利用率更高。因此,高蛋白玉米可以有益地纳入肉鸡日粮中,其优点是由于蛋白质含量较高,因此减少了对进口蛋白来源(例如豆粕)的使用。从而节省了饲料成本。



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