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Fallout of the enterocolitis, autism, MMR vaccine paper.


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On the 28U1 Feb 1998 The Lancet published a paper by Andrew Wakefield1 that proposed a new condition of enterocolitis, regressive autism and an association with MMR vaccine as the apparent precipitating event. At a press conference describing the 12 children case series he urged the use of single vaccines instead of MMR. The study generated immediate alarm and controversy. After its publication the findings had far reaching consequences. The implication that the MMR vaccine could precipitate Crohn's disease and Autism was widely disseminated by the media. Attempts by the health authorities to reassure and calm fears were ineffective. Parents became extremely alarmed. Public confidence in the MMR vaccine was undermined and immunisation rates fell sharply below the critical 92% required for herd immunity. There was a rapid resurgence in the numbers of children affected with measles. Dublin was particularly badly affected. A paper published in 2003 describing the Irish experience of measles reappearance received worldwide attention2. It graphically illustrated the damage that can be caused when a vaccination programme is impaired. A total of 355 children attended Temple Street A&E with Measles and 111 were admitted with either pneumonitis or dehydration. Seven children required ventilation and 3 children died.
机译:1998年2月28日,《柳叶刀》发表了安德鲁·韦克菲尔德(Andrew Wakefield)1的论文,该论文提出了一种新的疾病,即小肠结肠炎,自闭症以及与MMR疫苗有关的明显沉淀事件。在描述12个儿童病例系列的新闻发布会上,他敦促使用单一疫苗代替MMR。该研究引起了立即的警觉和争议。该结果发表后,产生了深远的影响。 MMR疫苗可能引发克罗恩氏病和自闭症的含义已被媒体广泛传播。卫生当局试图安抚和平息恐惧的尝试是无效的。父母变得极为震惊。公众对MMR疫苗的信心受到破坏,免疫率急剧下降至群免疫所需的关键92%以下。受麻疹影响的儿童人数迅速恢复。都柏林受到的影响尤其严重。 2003年发表的一篇描述爱尔兰再次出现麻疹经历的论文受到了全世界的关注2。它以图形方式说明了疫苗接种程序受损时可能造成的损害。共有355名儿童与麻疹一起参加了Temple Street A&E,有111名儿童因肺炎或脱水而入院。 7名儿童需要换气,3名儿童死亡。



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