首页> 外文期刊>Irish journal of medical science >Prospective, controlled assessment of the impact of formal evidence-based medicine teaching workshop on ability to appraise the medical literature.

Prospective, controlled assessment of the impact of formal evidence-based medicine teaching workshop on ability to appraise the medical literature.


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BACKGROUND: The ability to critically appraise the calibre of studies in medical literature is increasingly important for medical professionals. AIM: This prospective controlled study evaluated the impact of a 6-h Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) Workshop on the critical appraisal skills of medical trainees. METHODS: Individuals attended three 2-h workshops over a 3-week period, incorporating didactic lectures in statistics, clinical trial design, appraising research papers and practical examples. Appraisal skills were assessed pre- and post-training based on grading the quality of randomised control studies (level 1 evidence), cohort studies (level 2 evidence) and case-control studies (level 3 evidence) [From Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine Levels of Evidence (2001), http://www.cebm.net/critical_appraisal.asp ]. RESULTS: Overall grading improved from 39% (pre-course) to 74% (post-course), P = 0.002, with grading of levels 1, 2 and 3 studies improving from 42 to 75%, 53 to 61% and 21 to 84%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that a 6-h formal EBM workshop is effective in enhancing the critical appraisal skills of medical trainees.
机译:背景:对医学文献的研究能力进行严格评估的能力对医学专业人员越来越重要。目的:这项前瞻性对照研究评估了为时6小时的循证医学(EBM)研讨会对医学学员的关键评估技能的影响。方法:个人在3周的时间内参加了3个为时2小时的研讨会,其中包括统计学,临床试验设计,评估研究论文和实际示例方面的教学讲座。在评估培训前和培训后的评估技能的基础上,对随机对照研究(1级证据),队列研究(2级证据)和病例对照研究(3级证据)的质量进行分级[摘自牛津循证医学中心证据级别(2001),http://www.cebm.net/critical_appraisal.asp]。结果:总体评分从39%(疗程前)提高到74%(疗程后),P = 0.002,级别1、2和3的研究评分从42%改善至75%,从53%改善至61%,从21%改善为分别为84%。结论:我们得出结论,为时6小时的正式EBM研讨会可以有效地提高医学学员的批判性评估技能。



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