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Further signs in the evaluation of magnetic resonance mammography: a retrospective study.


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PURPOSE:: To increase accuracy and reliability of magnetic resonance breast imaging, a new evaluation method might be helpful. The recently suggested evaluation method (Fischer U, et al) resulted in a relevant number of equivocal cases (3 or 4 points). Additional morphologic and dynamic signs as an extension of this score were evaluated. METHOD AND MATERIALS:: One hundred thirty-two histologically verified lesions were evaluated by 3 radiologists double-blinded using 2 evaluation methods: 1) method 1 (according to Fischer, et al): 2pt: initial signal increase >100%, washout, centripetal enhancement, 1pt: initial signal increase 50-100%, plateau phenomenon, centrifugal inhomogeneous enhancement, irregular borders, linear, stellar or dendritic structure; and 2) method 2 (according to Malich, et al): 3pt: hook sign (sign of pectoral invasion), 2pt: unifocal edema, blooming. 1pt: hypointensity in T2, lymph nodes >10 mm, skin thickening, adjacent vessels, a lesion's distorted inner architecture, disruption of the mamillary edge; -1pt: isointensity in T2, no edema, enhancing septations; -3pt: hyperintensity in T2, non enhancing septations. Method 1 judged a lesion to be malignant if 5 or more points were given and benign if 2 or less points were given, respectively. Method 2 (mean value of 3 radiologists) was tested in those cases in which a clear possible decision using method 1 was not sufficiently possible. RESULTS:: Method 1 alone resulted in a negative predictive value of 96.8% and a positive predictive value of 90.8% (without carinoma in situ), a sensitivity of 83.1%, a specificity of 58.8%, and revealed uncertain results (3 and 4 points) in 29 cases (out of 132; 22%). Adding the new scoring system in these 29 equivocal cases and an increase of 2 or more points by using method 2 is supposed to be a sign of malignancy; findings suggest a sensitivity of 90.9% and a specificity of 60% if an increase of maximum 1 is observed in benign lesions. In conclusion, our results show that Gottingen score alone has a sensitivity of 83.1%, a specificity of 58.8%; the second evaluation method reveals a sensitivity of 90.9% and a specificity of 60% in equivocal cases of Gottingen score. Gottingen score then reaches in all cases and second, adding the second evaluation method in equivocal cases, a sensitivity of 97% and a specificity of 76.5%. CONCLUSION:: The application of a second evaluation method in those cases remaining unclear in Gottingen score can lead to a decrease of uncertainty and a higher sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis in MR mammography. In this study, Gottingen score reaches a sensitivity of 83.1% and a specificity of 58.8%, increasing to a sensitivity of 97% and a specificity of 76.5% when being extended by a second evaluation method in unclear cases.
机译:目的:为了提高磁共振乳腺成像的准确性和可靠性,一种新的评估方法可能会有所帮助。最近提出的评估方法(Fischer U等)导致了相当数量的模棱两可案例(3或4分)。评估了其他形态和动态体征作为该评分的延伸。方法和材料:由3位放射科医生使用两种评估方法对一百三十二份经组织学证实的病变进行了双盲评估:1)方法1(根据Fischer等人的说法):2pt:初始信号增强> 100%,洗脱,向心增强1pt:初始信号增强50-100%,平台现象,离心不均匀增强,边界不规则,线性,恒星或树突状结构;和2)方法2(根据Malich等人的说法):3pt:钩征(胸腔侵袭的征兆),2pt:单灶性水肿,开花。 1分:T2的低血压,淋巴结> 10毫米,皮肤增厚,相邻血管,病变的内部结构变形,乳突边缘破裂; -1pt:T2等强度,无水肿,增强分隔; -3pt:T2中的高强度,非增强性分隔。如果给定5个或更多的点,方法1判断为恶性病变,给定2个或更少的点,则判断为良性病变。在无法充分利用方法1做出明确决定的情况下,对方法2(3位放射科医生的平均值)进行了测试。结果::仅方法1的阴性预测值为96.8%,阳性预测值为90.8%(无原位癌),敏感性为83.1%,特异性为58.8%,并且显示不确定的结果(3和4) 29分(132分; 22%)。在这29个模棱两可的案例中添加新的评分系统,并使用方法2将得分提高2分或更多,这被认为是恶性肿瘤的征兆;研究结果表明,如果在良性病变中观察到最大1的增加,则敏感性为90.9%,特异性为60%。总之,我们的结果表明,仅哥廷根评分的敏感性为83.1%,特异性为58.8%;第二种评估方法在模棱两可的戈廷根评分情况下显示出90.9%的敏感性和60%的特异性。然后,哥廷根得分在所有情况下均达到第二,在模棱两可的情况下增加第二种评估方法,灵敏度为97%,特异性为76.5%。结论:在哥廷根评分仍不清楚的情况下,应用第二种评估方法可减少不确定性,并提高MR乳腺X线摄影诊断的敏感性和特异性。在这项研究中,哥廷根评分的敏感性达到83.1%,特异性为58.8%,在不清楚的情况下,通过第二种评估方法扩展时,其敏感性达到97%,特异性达到76.5%。



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