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INR is a nursing and health policy journal.


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In 2010 INR enters its second decade as a peer-reviewed journal and it seems an appropriate time to review its focus. Over the past ten years authors have written on a variety of themes, the majority with an increasing policy orientation. This is entirely appropriate for the official journal of the International Council of Nurses (ICN). What is ICN's business if not influencing nursing and health policy both globally and nationally, and by a variety of means? INR is one of ICN's channels of influence, reaching readers in more than 130 countries and containing articles written by nurses from all around the world.
机译:INR在2010年进入了同行评议的期刊的第二个十年,现在似乎是时候对其重点进行审查。在过去的十年中,作者撰写了各种主题的文章,大多数主题的政策取向不断提高。这完全适合国际护士理事会(ICN)的官方期刊。如果不以各种方式影响全球和全国的护理和健康政策,ICN的业务是什么? INR是ICN的影响力渠道之一,覆盖130多个国家/地区的读者,其中包含来自世界各地的护士撰写的文章。



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