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The use of physical restraints on children: practices and attitudes of paediatric nurses in Turkey.


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AIMS: This study aimed to determine paediatric nurses' ideas and attitudes towards physical restraint in Turkey, the consent obtained, physical restraint types used in paediatric units and complications developing in children subjected to physical restraint. BACKGROUND: Physical restraint, although controversial, is still common in paediatric units in Turkey and creates complications, which were observed or investigated by researchers. DESIGN AND METHOD: The research used descriptive, analytical and cross-sectional methods with 121 paediatric nurses working in paediatric surgical-internal medicine services and paediatric intensive care units of four hospitals. The questionnaire consisted of open-ended questions and was applied via face-to-face interviews. RESULTS: 66.9% of nurses reported that nurse shortages were the main reason for increased physical restraint applications, 58.7% tried alternative methods, and 71.1% indicated no need of written orders for physical restraint use. Physical restraint decreased while the mother accompanied her child (P = 0.0001) and increased while inexperienced clinic nurses were in charge (P = 0.003). Wrist (96.7%), ankle (81.0%), and whole body (17.4%) restraints were all used. No nurse had received any verbal or written consent from children or surrogates and 96.7% used physical restraint without any verbal or written physician order. Thirty (24.8%) respondents reported that children under physical restraint had developed various complications, for example, oedema and cyanosis by arm and wrist restraint, food rejection and agitation. Physical restraint could be reduced by a wiser combination of education and expert consultation in paediatric units in Turkey, although further detailed research is needed.
机译:目的:本研究旨在确定土耳其儿科护士对身体约束的想法和态度,获得的同意,在儿科单位中使用的身体约束类型以及遭受身体约束的儿童所发生的并发症。背景:尽管有争议,但物理约束在土耳其的儿科病房中仍然很普遍,并会引起并发症,研究人员对此进行了观察或调查。设计与方法:本研究使用描述性,分析性和横断面方法,对四家医院的儿科外科内科医疗服务和儿科重症监护病房的121名儿科护士进行了描述,分析和剖析。该问卷由不限成员名额的问题组成,并通过面对面的访谈进行了应用。结果:66.9%的护士报告说护士短缺是增加物理约束的主要原因,58.7%尝试了替代方法,71.1%表示不需要书面命令使用物理约束。母亲陪伴孩子时,身体约束力降低(P = 0.0001),而经验不足的诊所护士负责时,身体约束力提高(P = 0.003)。腕部(96.7%),脚踝(81.0%)和全身(17.4%)约束都被使用。没有护士从孩子或代孕妈妈那里获得任何口头或书面同意,没有任何口头或书面医师命令,有96.7%的人使用身体约束。三十(24.8%)的受访者报告说,受到身体约束的孩子出现了各种并发症,例如,由于手腕约束而出现水肿和发osis,食物排斥和躁动。通过在土耳其的儿科部门进行教育和专家咨询的更明智的结合,可以减少身体上的束缚,尽管还需要进一步的详细研究。



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