首页> 外文期刊>Invasive Plant Science and Management >Herbicides and mowing to control barb goatgrass (Aegilops triuncialis) and restore native plants in serpentine grasslands.

Herbicides and mowing to control barb goatgrass (Aegilops triuncialis) and restore native plants in serpentine grasslands.

机译:除草剂和割草可以控制倒钩山羊草( Aegilops triuncialis )并恢复蛇形草地上的原生植物。

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Serpentine grasslands are relatively free of the invasive species that typify other California grasslands, but recently are threatened by the spread of barb goatgrass, a Eurasian annual that is unique in its tolerance of serpentine soils. We evaluated two graminicides (clethodim and fluazifop), one broad-spectrum herbicide (glyphosate), mowing, and hand pulling for their effectiveness in controlling barb goatgrass and for restoring native species cover and diversity. We also evaluated application timing for the graminicides: before goatgrass flowering (early season), at flower initiation (midseason), and at early seed development (late season). Glyphosate was applied at early seed development. The 10 treatment combinations were applied to 10 blocks of 4-m2 (43-ft2) experimental plots in an inner Coast Range serpentine grassland with high cover of barb goatgrass but few other nonnative species. After 2 yr of treatment, all treatments except glyphosate reduced goatgrass frequency. Hand pulling, fluazifop, and mowing were most effective at controlling goatgrass, reducing frequency by 60, 51, and 48%, respectively (compared to a 30% increase on control plots). Midseason applications of clethodim and fluazifop were more effective than those applied early or late. Hand pulling, fluazifop, and clethodim increased native forb frequency by 31, 46, and 74%, respectively, with the benefit of the graminicides decreasing with later applications. Native grasses were at least partially resistant to the graminicides. Cover of one sided blue grass (Poa secunda), the most widespread native grass, might have been reduced slightly by early-season applications but was increased by late-season applications. Cover of soft brome (Bromus hordeaceus), the only other widespread nonnative species in the study, was reduced by early-season applications of the graminicides. Clethodim and fluazifop show great potential to selectively remove barb goatgrass and other nonnative annual grasses in grasslands that are otherwise dominated by native grasses and forbs. Mowing is a less selective, but viable alternative.
机译:蛇形草原相对而言没有其他加利福尼亚草原所具有的入侵物种,但是最近受到倒钩山羊草的威胁,山羊草是欧亚大陆的一种,对蛇形土壤具有独特的耐受性。我们评估了两种杀草剂(clethodim和fluazifop),一种广谱除草剂(草甘膦),割草和手拉拔方法,因为它们在控制倒钩山羊草和恢复原生物种的覆盖度和多样性方面均有效。我们还评估了禾本科杀草剂的施用时间:山羊草开花前(早季),开花期(中期)和种子早期发育(后期)。草甘膦用于种子早期发育。将这10种处理组合应用于10个块的4-m 2 (43-ft 2 )内陆海岸蛇形草地高倒钩山羊草覆盖区的实验地块,但其他少数外来物种。治疗2年后,除草甘膦以外的所有处理均降低了山羊草的发生频率。手拉,fluazifop和割草在控制山羊草方面最有效,分别减少了60%,51%和48%的频率(相比之下,控制地块的频率增加了30%)。季中使用克来替定和氟西氟普林比早期或晚期更有效。手拉,氟喹草胺和头孢噻肟可分别将本机前frequency频率提高31%,46%和74%,而除草剂的好处则随着以后的应用而降低。天然草至少对草甘膦有抗性。一侧的青草(Poa secunda )是一种分布最广的本地草,其覆盖率可能会因早季施用而略有减少,但因季末施用而有所增加。早熟季杀草剂的使用减少了软溴(大头菜)的覆盖,后者是研究中唯一的其他广泛的非本地物种。 Clethodim和fluazifop显示出巨大的潜力,可以有选择地去除草原上的倒钩山羊草和其他非原生一年生草,而这些草本来是由天然草和草形成的。割草的选择性较差,但可行。



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