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Relation between pressure, friction and pressure ulcer categories: a secondary data analysis of hospital patients using CHAID methods.


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BACKGROUND: According to the latest pressure ulcer definition provided by the EPUAP and NPUAP pressure and shear are named as factors causing pressure ulcers. Empirical evidence suggests that pressure forces in combination with shear seem to be primarily responsible for deeper tissue injuries leading to category III or IV pressure ulcers. Superficial frictional forces seem to cause skin lesion resembling category II pressure ulcers. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to explore the empirical relationships between friction forces and category II pressure ulcers and between pressure forces and categories III and IV pressure ulcers. DESIGN: A secondary analysis of data from six German annual hospital pressure point prevalence studies. SETTINGS: 161 Hospitals of all specialties and categories throughout Germany. PARTICIPANTS: 28,299 Adult hospital patients. The average age was 65.4 (SD 17.0) years. Female participation was 55.0%. METHODS: For the classification of the sample regarding pressure ulcers as a dependent variable and the Braden scale items as predictor variables, Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) for modelling classification trees, controlled for age, has been used. CHAID analysis was performed for category II pressure ulcers and categories III/IV pressure ulcers separately. RESULTS: 7.5% (95% CI 7.2-7.8) of the hospital patients had "Friction & Shear" problems according to the respective Braden sale item. 5.4% (95% CI 5.1-5.6) were "Completely immobile" according to the Braden scale item "Mobility". The category "Problem" of the item Friction & Shear Categories III/IV prevalence was 1.9%. Compared to all other Braden scale items there was the strongest association between being completely immobile and deeper categories III/IV pressure ulcers. CONCLUSIONS: Based on a large sample of patients from multiple centres throughout Germany results indicate, that there is a strong relationship between friction forces and superficial skin lesions and between pressure forces and deeper categories III and IV PUs. This indicates that there might be different aetiologies causing different wounds. Given, that both superficial and deep ulcers have different aetiologies the validity of the current PU definition and classification is questionable, because ulcers due to maceration and excoriation are excluded from this classification system.
机译:背景:根据EPUAP和NPUAP提供的最新压疮定义,压力和剪切力被称为引起压疮的因素。经验证据表明,压力与剪切力相结合似乎是导致更深层组织损伤(导致III或IV类压疮)的主要原因。表面摩擦力似乎引起类似于II类压疮的皮肤损伤。目的:本研究的目的是探讨摩擦力与II类压力溃疡之间以及压力与III和IV类压力溃疡之间的经验关系。设计:来自德国六项年度医院压力点患病率研究的数据的二次分析。地点:德国各地的161家各专业和类别的医院。参加人数:28299名成人住院患者。平均年龄为65.4(SD 17.0)岁。女性参与率为55.0%。方法:对于以压疮为因变量,以Braden标度项为预测变量的样本分类,已使用卡方自动交互检测(CHAID)来建模分类树,并控制其年龄。分别对II类压疮和III / IV类压疮进行了CHAID分析。结果:根据相应的Braden销售项目,有7.5%(95%CI 7.2-7.8)的住院患者出现“摩擦与剪切”问题。根据Braden量表项目“移动性”,有5.4%(95%CI 5.1-5.6)是“完全不动的”。摩擦和剪切类别III / IV患病率类别的“问题”类别为1.9%。与所有其他Braden量表项目相比,完全不活动与更深的III / IV类压疮之间存在最强的关联。结论:基于来自德国多个中心的大量患者样本,结果表明,摩擦力与皮肤浅表病变之间以及压力与较深的III和IV类PU之间存在很强的关系。这表明可能有不同的病因导致不同的伤口。鉴于浅表性溃疡和深部溃疡具有不同的病因,目前的PU定义和分类的有效性值得怀疑,因为该分类系统排除了由于浸软和剥落引起的溃疡。



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