首页> 外文期刊>International journal of nursing studies >Ethical beliefs related to HIV and AIDS among nursing students in South Africa and the United States: a cross-sectional analysis.

Ethical beliefs related to HIV and AIDS among nursing students in South Africa and the United States: a cross-sectional analysis.


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BACKGROUND: The ethical issues associated with HIV and AIDS are challenging and complex because of beliefs about HIV and AIDS, stigma surrounding the epidemic, lack of knowledge, and fear. Both South Africa and the United States have a nursing code of ethics which endorses a nurse's responsibility to maintain a patient's right to confidentiality, involvement in decision-making, autonomy, and informed consent. However, nursing students may inappropriately handle ethical challenges in practice related to HIV and AIDS. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to determine the ethical beliefs held by nursing students regarding testing, confidentiality, serostatus disclosure, and the environment of care related to HIV and AIDS in South Africa and the United States. DESIGN/SETTING: This study utilized a descriptive, correlational design with a cross-sectional time dimension. Data were collected during March-April 2007 in South Africa and the United States. PARTICIPANTS: 136 nursing students in South Africa and 198 nursing students in the United States participated in the study. The participants included nursing students in enrolled and professional bridging programs in South Africa and from traditional and accelerated baccalaureate entry programs in the United States. In both countries, the participants were mostly female and heterosexual. In South Africa, participants were mostly black (93.3%) while in the United States the participants were mostly white (76.6%). Over 95% of eligible nursing students participated in the study in both countries. RESULTS: After evaluating the findings in the context of ethical standards, 0% of the 198 nursing students in the US had beliefs that were fully supportive of the nursing standards of ethical practice regarding caring for HIV-positive persons, while only 11.5% of the South African participants were fully supportive. Despite their identified lack of training in HIV and AIDS nursing, nursing students in South Africa were much more willing to protect patient confidentiality than nursing students in the United States. CONCLUSIONS: Nursing students' beliefs and attitudes related to HIV and AIDS are not congruent with the ethical principles guiding nursing. To facilitate support for the ethical principles of nursing in the context of HIV and AIDS, nursing students need guided experiences to assess personal attitudes and beliefs about HIV and AIDS and direct care opportunities to destigmatize the epidemic in order to meet the ethical standards of nursing practice.
机译:背景:与艾滋病毒和艾滋病相关的道德问题具有挑战性和复杂性,原因在于人们对艾滋病毒和艾滋病的信念,对流行病的污名化,缺乏知识和恐惧。南非和美国都有护理道德准则,该准则认可护士的责任,即维护患者的保密权,参与决策权,自主权和知情同意权。但是,护生可能会在实践中不适当地应对与HIV和AIDS相关的道德挑战。目的:本研究的目的是确定南非和美国的护理专业学生关于测试,保密,血清状况披露以及与艾滋病毒和艾滋病相关的照护环境的道德观念。设计/设置:这项研究采用了具有描述性的相关设计,并具有横断面时间维度。数据收集于2007年3月至4月在南非和美国。参与者:南非的136名护理专业学生和美国的198名护理专业学生参加了该研究。参加人员包括在南非参加注册和专业衔接课程的护理学生,以及在美国参加传统和加速学士学位课程的护理学生。在这两个国家,参与者大多是女性和异性恋者。在南非,参与者多数为黑人(93.3%),而在美国,参与者多数为白人(76.6%)。在这两个国家中,超过95%的合格护理学生参加了该研究。结果:在道德标准的背景下评估发现后,美国198名护理专业学生中有0%的信念完全支持有关关爱HIV阳性者的道德规范的护理标准。南非与会者全力支持。尽管他们明确缺乏对HIV和AIDS护理的培训,但南非的护理专业学生比美国的护理专业学生更愿意保护患者的机密性。结论:护理学生与艾滋病毒/艾滋病相关的信念和态度与指导护理的道德原则不一致。为了促进对艾滋病毒/艾滋病背景下的护理伦理原则的支持,护理学生需要有指导性的经验以评估对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的个人态度和信念,并需要直接的护理机会来减轻流行病的影响,从而达到护理实践的道德标准。 。



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