首页> 外文期刊>International journal of nursing studies >An interrater reliability study of the assessment of pressure ulcer risk using the Braden scale and the classification of pressure ulcers in a home care setting.

An interrater reliability study of the assessment of pressure ulcer risk using the Braden scale and the classification of pressure ulcers in a home care setting.


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BACKGROUND: Measurement error can seriously affect the validity of pressure ulcer risk assessment and of pressure ulcer classification. OBJECTIVES: Determination of interrater reliability and agreement of pressure ulcer risk and pressure ulcers using the Braden scale and the EPUAP system. DESIGN AND SETTING: Duplicate assessments by trained nurses during two nationwide pressure ulcer prevalence surveys in the years 2007 and 2008 in The Netherlands in the home care setting. PARTICIPANTS: Home care clients which participated in 2007 (n=352) and 2008 (n=339) in the pressure ulcer prevalence surveys. METHODS: The Braden scale was used to assess pressure ulcer risk. Skin examination was conducted to detect pressure related tissue damages and to classify them according to the EPUAP. RESULTS: In 2007 and 2008, Intraclass Correlation Coefficients for Braden scale sum scores were 0.90 (95% CI: 0.88-0.92) and 0.88 (95% CI: 0.85-0.91) respectively, and corresponding Standard Errors of Measurement were 1.00 and 0.98. 95% limits of agreement were -2.8 to 2.8 and -2.7 to 2.7 respectively. The items "moisture", "sensory perception" and "nutrition" contained largest amounts of measurement error. Proportions of agreement for the classification of pressure ulcers were 96% and interrater reliability was 0.81 and 0.79. Most disagreements were observed for the classification of grade 1 pressure ulcers. CONCLUSIONS: The standardized study procedure applied in the annual nationwide pressure ulcer prevalence surveys leads to reliable and reproducible results regarding pressure ulcer risk and pressure ulcer prevalence in the home care setting. Researchers and practitioners should be careful when drawing inferences from single pressure ulcer risk factors included in the Braden scale. Descriptions of the items moisture unambiguous.
机译:背景:测量误差会严重影响压疮风险评估和压疮分类的有效性。目的:使用布雷登量表和EPUAP系统确定间位机可靠性以及压疮风险和压疮的一致性。设计与地点:2007年和2008年在荷兰进行的两次全国性压疮患病率调查中,由受过训练的护士进行了重复评估。参与者:参加过2007年(n = 352)和2008年(n = 339)的压力性溃疡患病率调查的家庭护理客户。方法:使用布雷登量表评估压力性溃疡风险。进行皮肤检查以发现压力相关的组织损伤,并根据EPUAP分类。结果:在2007年和2008年,Braden量表总分的组内相关系数分别为0.90(95%CI:0.88-0.92)和0.88(95%CI:0.85-0.91),相应的标准测量误差为1.00和0.98。协议的95%限制分别为-2.8至2.8和-2.7至2.7。项目“水分”,“感觉”和“营养”包含最大的测量误差。压力性溃疡分类的同意比例为96%,间位可靠性为0.81和0.79。对于1级压力性溃疡的分类,大多数意见不一致。结论:年度全国性压疮患病率调查中采用的标准化研究程序可得出有关家庭护理环境中压疮风险和压疮患病率的可靠且可重复的结果。研究人员和从业人员在从Braden量表中得出的单个压力性溃疡危险因素进行推断时应谨慎。物品的说明水分明确。



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