首页> 外文期刊>Interventional neuroradiology: journal of peritherapeutic neuroradiology, surgical procedures and related neurosciences >Y-crossing of braided stents with stents and flow diverters does not cause significant stenosis in bench-top studies

Y-crossing of braided stents with stents and flow diverters does not cause significant stenosis in bench-top studies


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Y-stent placement to treat bifurcation aneurysms requires the second device to cross the confines of the first stent, with concerns regarding the formation of stenosis of the second device at the site of crossing. Various braided stents and flow diverters (FDs) were deployed to cross through a high porosity braided stent, in a Y configuration, with the ends of the devices inserted in plastic tubes of various diameters, leaving the mid-portion free to expand. The ensuing constructs were photographed, paying attention to the degree of stenosis, if any, created where the second device crosses the first stent. Experiments were repeated selecting different zones of the first stent as the site of crossing for the second device, different tube diameters, and changing the angle of the bifurcation. Crossing the first stent did not cause the second stent to become significantly stenosed in any case. Crossing through the transition or expansion zone of the first device had no influence on results. Different bifurcation angles had no influence on the occurrence of stenosis. Y-stent placement to treat arterial bifurcations using braided self-expanding stents and FDs does not lead to significant stenosis in bench-top studies.



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