首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Wildland Fire >An index for tracking sheltered forest floor moisture within the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System.

An index for tracking sheltered forest floor moisture within the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System.


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The Duff Moisture Code (DMC) component of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) System is used by fire management agencies across Canada as an indicator of the susceptibility of the forest floor to lightning fire ignition. However, this model was developed for the moisture content of the forest floor away from the sheltering influences of overstory trees, an area where lightning strikes usually ignite the forest floor. Through destructive sampling of the forest floor in a mature jack pine stand in northern Ontario over several summers, the moisture content of the forest floor in sheltered areas close to the boles of dominant overstory trees was found to be significantly lower than in other less heavily sheltered areas of the stand. Observations from a network of in-stand rain gauges revealed that rainfall penetration through the canopy (throughfall) was correlated with both open rainfall amount and the duration of a storm. Observed throughfall amounts were used to develop a throughfall relationship for extremely sheltered locations (within ~0.5 m of the boles) in a mature jack pine stand. This throughfall model was used, along with differences in forest floor drying rate, to develop a new duff moisture index for strongly sheltered areas of the forest floor. Calculated values of this new moisture model, which has the same daily weather observation requirements as the FWI System's DMC model, were found to match observed moisture contents quite well..
机译:加拿大森林火灾天气指数(FWI)系统中的达夫水分法则(DMC)组件被加拿大各地的消防管理机构用来作为林地对雷电着火的敏感性指标。但是,此模型的开发是为了避免林木的水分含量过高的树木的遮挡影响,在该区域,雷电通常会点燃林木。通过对安大略省北部成熟的千斤顶松树林中的林地进行破坏性采样,历时数个夏季,发现靠近主要优势林木的庇护区林地的水分含量显着低于其他受保护程度较轻的林地展台区域。来自站内雨量计网络的观测结果表明,降雨穿过树冠的穿透力(穿透)与开放降雨量和暴风雨的持续时间相关。在成熟的千斤顶松林中,观察到的穿透量用于建立极端庇护位置(在约0.5 m内)的穿透关系。该穿透模型与林地干燥速率的差异一起用于为林地强烈遮蔽的区域开发新的达芙水分指数。人们发现,这种新的湿度模型的计算值与FWI系统的DMC模型具有相同的每日天气观测要求,可以很好地匹配观测到的水分含量。



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