首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Thermophysics >Realization of the ~3He Vapor-Pressure Temperature Scale and Development of a Liquid-He-Free Calibration Apparatus

Realization of the ~3He Vapor-Pressure Temperature Scale and Development of a Liquid-He-Free Calibration Apparatus


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The ~3He vapor-pressure temperature scale was realized using an apparatus based on a continuously operating ~3He cryostat at the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). The cryostat has two operational modes: a ~3He circulation mode and a 1 K pot mode. The ~3He circulation mode can be used for ~3He vapor-pressure measurements below 1.6 K, and the 1 K pot mode can be used for measurements above 1.3 K. Either mode can be selected for measurements from 1.3 K to 1.6 K. The realization of the ~3He vapor-pressure temperature scale in this study fully covers its defined temperature range from 0.65 K to 3.2 K in the International Temperature Scale of 1990. The latest realization results are presented in this article. In addition, a liquid-He-free calibration apparatus was developed. It does not require liquid helium as a cryogen, which usually entails cumbersome handling and periodic refilling. The apparatus was designed for the calibration of capsule-type resistance thermometers from 0.65 K to 24.5561 K (the triple point of neon). The cooling system of the apparatus consists of a commercially available pulse-tube refrigerator and a ~3He Joule-Thomson (JT) cooling circuit developed at NMIJ/AIST. The pulse-tube refrigerator is used in a pre-cooling stage and cools the apparatus to approximately 5 K. The ~3He JT cooling circuit is used to cool the apparatus from 5 K to below 0.65 K. Since the ~3He JT cooling circuit is a closed circuit, the apparatus can run continuously with only simple maintenance required. The basic characteristics of the apparatus are described.
机译:〜3He蒸气压温度标度是使用日本国家计量研究所(NMIJ),国家先进工业科学技术研究院(AIST)基于连续运行的〜3He低温恒温器的设备实现的。低温恒温器有两种工作模式:〜3He循环模式和1 K电位器模式。 〜3He循环模式可用于1.6 K以下的〜3He蒸气压测量,而1 K锅模式可用于1.3 K以上的测量。可以选择任一模式进行1.3 K至1.6 K的测量。这项研究中〜3He蒸汽压力温度标度的变化完全覆盖了1990年国际温度标度中其定义的温度范围(0.65 K至3.2 K)。本文介绍了最新的实现结果。另外,开发了无液氦校准装置。它不需要液态氦作为致冷剂,通常需要繁琐的处理和定期重新装填。该设备设计用于校准从0.65 K到24.5561 K(氖的三点)的胶囊型电阻温度计。该设备的冷却系统由市售的脉冲管制冷机和NMIJ / AIST开发的〜3He焦耳-汤姆森(JT)冷却回路组成。脉冲管制冷机用于预冷却阶段,将设备冷却至大约5K。〜3He JT冷却回路用于将设备从5 K冷却至0.65 K以下。由于〜3He JT冷却回路在闭路状态下,设备仅需简单维护即可连续运行。描述了设备的基本特性。



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