首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Neuroscience >Depression of h-reflex following carbonic anhydrase inhibition appears unrelated to changes in synaptic effectiveness.

Depression of h-reflex following carbonic anhydrase inhibition appears unrelated to changes in synaptic effectiveness.


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Presynaptic inhibition (PI) of Ia afferents was examined as a possible contributor to the depression of the soleus H-reflex following carbonic anhydrase (CA) inhibition with Acetazolamide (ACZ). Ten males (aged 22-32) were studied in two randomized conditions, control and ACZ administration (250 mg 14, 8, and 2 h before testing) separated by at least one week. PI of soleus Ia afferents was indirectly assessed two ways: a conditioning stimulus of Ia afferents in the common peroneal nerve (N = 6), and heteronymous Ia facilitation from the quadriceps to soleus muscle (N = 4). Conditioning (C) of the soleus H-reflex (common peroneal nerve stimulation protocol) resulted in depression of the H-reflex in the supine and standing position compared to the test (T, unconditioned) H-reflex in the same position. This result was unaltered following ACZ treatment. C (heteronymous facilitation protocol) resulted in facilitation of the H-reflex in the supine, but not the standing position. This result was unaltered following ACZ treatment. It was concluded that the depression of the H-reflex following CA inhibition (present study; Brechue et al., 1997) appears to be unrelated to changes in the tonic level of PI of Ia afferents. The best hypothesis for the reduction in the H-reflex appears to be conduction block of the primary afferent fibers secondary to local increases in PCO2.
机译:Ia传入神经的突触前抑制(PI)被认为是乙酰乙酰胺(ACZ)抑制碳酸酐酶(CA)后比目鱼H-反射减弱的可能原因。在两个随机条件下研究了十名男性(22-32岁),分别进行了对照和ACZ给药(测试前250、14、8和2 h),间隔至少一周。比目鱼Ia传入的PI可以通过两种方式间接评估:在腓总神经中调节Ia传入的刺激(N = 6),以及从股四头肌到比目鱼肌的异化Ia促进(N = 4)。比目鱼H-反射(普通的腓总神经刺激方案)的调节(C)导致仰卧位和站立位置的H-反射下降,而相同位置的测试(T,未调节)H-反射则导致该下降。 ACZ治疗后,该结果未改变。 C(同义促进协议)导致仰卧状态下H反射的促进,但不引起站立姿势。 ACZ治疗后,该结果未改变。结论是,CA抑制后H反射的降低(目前的研究; Brechue等,1997)似乎与Ia传入的PI的强直水平变化无关。减少H反射的最佳假设似乎是继PCO2局部增加后继发的初级传入纤维的传导阻滞。



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