首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin de la Societe prehistorique francaise >The lower-middle palaeolithic transition in Western France: The example of layer 4 of the Menez-Dregan I site (Plouhinec, Finistere)

The lower-middle palaeolithic transition in Western France: The example of layer 4 of the Menez-Dregan I site (Plouhinec, Finistere)

机译:法国西部中下部的旧石器时代过渡:Menez-Dregan I矿场(Plouhinec,Finistere)第4层的示例

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Menez-Dregan I is a Lower Palaeolithic site, situated at Plouhinec, Finistère, in Brittany. It is an ancient marine cave whose roof has gradually collapsed. Layer 4 from the site of Menez-Dregan I is the last occupation of this deposit, at a turning point between the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic. Geological correlations (Laforge & Monnier, 2011; Monnier & Hallegou?t, 2003) tend to place layer 4 in OIS 9 or 11, although no direct dating is yet available for this layer. This study focuses on the lithic industry from the 1991-2004 excavations and was undertaken in order to capture the various types of technical behaviour that could translate this transition. We present the lithic industry of this layer, which simultaneously combines 'archaic' characteristics, such as large quantities of pebbles, or the appearance of opportunistic knapping, and the emergence of characteristics that refer to the Middle Palaeolithic, such as standardisation of flake production, or adapting knapping methods to the dimensions of the raw materials (discoid knapping for quartzite, knapping on an anvil for small flint pebbles). The whole industry from layer 4 and its three levels (4a, 4b and 4c)-13,212 artefacts-has been studied. The lithic industry includes flakes (33.1 %), flake fragments (28.4%), debris (21%), retouched flake tools (7%), cores (4.3%), pebble tools (3.2%), pebble fragments (1.7%); 1.3% are miscellaneous pieces. The raw materials used in layer 4 are flint (71 %), quartz (13 %), sandstone (10%), microgranite (5%), quartzite (0.8%) and glossy sandstone (0.5%) and were selected on the ancient beaches in or near the deposit. Retouched flake tools are mostly denticulates (68.2%), scrapers (19.7%) and notches (12.1 %). A paving structure has been revealed in layer 4 (level 4b) as highlighted by S. Hinguant during the 2000 excavation campaign and is presented in this article. This is an important element, as we have little information about Lower Palaeolithic settlements. Evidence of the use of fire has been provided by the presence of 28 artefacts with thermal altérations, although no hearth was noted during the excavation. Layer 4 of the Menez-Dregan I site has been attributed to the 'Colombanian' by J.-L. Monnier (Monnier, 1996) due to the composition of the lithic industry: prédominance of pebble tools within a heavy tool assemblage associated with retouched tools on flake-supports (notches, denticulates), and by the 'Clactonian' aspect of the knapping (wide slightly faceted butts, strong bulbs, wide open flaking angles). The Levallois method is absent, bifaces are absent or extremely rare, there are few scrapers. The Colombanian proves to be a facies of the Lower Palaeolithic, contemporary with the Acheulean but typologically distinct. However, standardisation of flake production leads us to foresee a change in the lithic industry of layer 4, and allows us to highlight a transition period from the Lower Palaeolithic to the Middle Palaeolithic in the later occupation of this deposit. This study is a contribution to the documentation of the diversity and variability of Lower and Middle Palaeolithic lithic industries, demonstrating that the usual criteria of allocation to a facies do not apply equally to every site. We agree with G. F.
机译:Menez-Dregan I是下旧石器时代遗址,位于布列塔尼Finistère的Plouhinec。这是一个古老的海洋洞穴,其屋顶逐渐坍塌。 Menez-Dregan I矿场的第4层是该矿床的最后一块,在旧石器时代的中下部之间。地质相关性(Laforge和Monnier,2011; Monnier和Hallegou?t,2003)倾向于在OIS 9或11中放置第4层,尽管该层尚无直接定年。这项研究的重点是从1991年至2004年的发掘中的石器业,其目的是捕获可以转化这种过渡的各种技术行为。我们介绍了这一层的石器工业,它同时结合了“古老的”特征,例如大量的鹅卵石或机会性绑架的出现,以及涉及中古石器时代的特征的出现,例如薄片生产的标准化,或根据原材料的尺寸调整打捆方法(对于石英岩,采用粘盘式打结;对于小火石碎石,在砧上进行打结)。已经研究了第4层及其三个级别(4a,4b和4c)-13,212个工件的整个行业。石器行业包括鳞片(33.1%),鳞片碎片(28.4%),碎屑(21%),修饰的鳞片工具(7%),岩心(4.3%),卵石工具(3.2%),卵石碎片(1.7%) ; 1.3%是杂物。第4层中使用的原材料是int石(71%),石英(13%),砂岩(10%),微花岗岩(5%),石英岩(0.8%)和光面砂岩(0.5%),并在古代存款中或附近的海滩。修饰后的薄片工具主要是细小颗粒(68.2%),刮刀(19.7%)和刻痕(12.1%)。 S. Hinguant在2000年的挖掘运动中强调了第4层(第4b层)的铺路结构,并在本文中进行了介绍。这是一个重要因素,因为我们对下旧石器时代的定居点知之甚少。尽管发掘过程中未发现任何炉膛,但有28件带有热变化的人工制品提供了使用火的证据。 Menez-Dregan I网站的第4层已由J.-L归因于“ Colombanian”。 Monnier(Monnier,1996),归因于石器行业的组成:卵石工具在片状支撑物(缺口,细齿)上的修饰工具相关的重型工具组合中占主导地位,而打结的“克拉克托式”方面(宽幅)稍有刻面的烟头,结实的球茎,宽的剥落角度)。 Levallois方法不存在,不存在双面或非常罕见,刮板很少。哥伦比亚岩被证明是下古旧石器时代的岩相,具有现代的阿彻兰岩相,但在类型上却截然不同。但是,片状生产的标准化使我们可以预见第4层的石器工业的变化,并允许我们突出显示在该矿床的后期占领中从下旧石器时代到中旧石器时代的过渡时期。这项研究有助于记录下旧石器时代中期和中石器时代的石器产业的多样性和变异性,这表明分配给相的通常标准并不均等地适用于每个地点。我们同意G.F.



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