首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Nanoparticles >Assessing UF-NF integrated pilot plant to supply potable water using Karoon River as feed water

Assessing UF-NF integrated pilot plant to supply potable water using Karoon River as feed water


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Most of the installed membrane based water treatment plants in Iran are producing industrial water and rarely for potable water. Almost all of them use reverse osmosis process with traditional pre-treatment. In the present work, ultra-filtration is introduced as an effective and helpful pre-treatment process that is developed recently and nano-filtration as an economic and energy saving treatment process. The designed pilot plant is a portable one that may be transferred easily due to its containerised design; hence, there is a possibility of testing various conditions with different feed waters. This study is started with the Karoon River due to high turbidity and bad quality of present potable water in the region and will follow up with other feed water qualities in Iran. The emerging conclusions of this pilot project may offer reasonable solution to solve potable water supply problem in some deprived regions of Iran, Africa and the Middle East using this plant.



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