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Appreciative inquiry in medical education


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The practice of medicine, and also medical education, typically adopts a problem-solving approach to identify what is going wrong with a situation. However, an alternative is Appreciative Inquiry (AI), which adopts a positive and strengths-based approach to identify what is going well with a situation. The AI approach can be used for the development and enhancement of the potential of both individuals and organizations. An essential aspect of the AI approach is the generative process, in which a new situation is envisioned and both individual and collective strengths are mobilized to make changes to achieve the valued future situation. The AI approach has been widely used in the world of business and general education, but is has an exciting potential for medical education, including curriculum development, faculty development, supporting learners through academic advising and mentoring, but also for enhancing the teaching and learning of both individuals and groups. This AMEE Guide describes the core principles of AI and their practical application in medical education.
机译:医学实践以及医学教育通常采用解决问题的方法来确定情况出了什么问题。然而,另一种选择是欣赏式探究 (AI),它采用积极和基于优势的方法来确定情况进展顺利。人工智能方法可用于开发和增强个人和组织的潜力。人工智能方法的一个重要方面是生成过程,在这个过程中,设想了一种新情况,并动员了个人和集体的力量来做出改变,以实现有价值的未来情况。人工智能方法已广泛应用于商业和普通教育领域,但在医学教育方面具有令人兴奋的潜力,包括课程开发、教师发展、通过学术建议和指导支持学习者,以及增强个人和团体的教学和学习。本AMEE指南描述了人工智能的核心原理及其在医学教育中的实际应用。



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