首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences >Quantification of ground vibration differences from well-confined single-hole explosions with variable velocity of detonation

Quantification of ground vibration differences from well-confined single-hole explosions with variable velocity of detonation


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An explosion experiment was conducted in the Barre granite of central Vermont during July 2008 using five explosions and three different types of explosives with a wide range of velocities of detonation. Black powder, heavy ANFO, and Composition B were used to generate increasing amounts of borehole pressure and different types of rock damage. The velocity of detonation was found to affect the peak particle velocities (PPV). ANFO produced the largest PPV, while the Composition B PPVs were slightly lower. Black powder produced much lower PPV, likely due to it deflagrating rather than truly detonating. An equation was fit to the data for predicting the PPV from a confined blast in the Barre granite using two methods, including true vector summation. Vector summation provides a more accurate measure of particle velocity. We found the frequency of the PPV decreases with increasing distance from the blast, and therefore extra care must be taken for large blasts where lower frequency energy may exceed vibration limits at greater distances.
机译:2008年7月,在佛蒙特州中部的Barre花岗岩进行了一次爆炸实验,使用了五次爆炸和三种不同类型的,具有大范围爆炸速度的炸药。使用黑色粉末,重质ANFO和成分B产生增加的井眼压力和不同类型的岩石破坏。发现爆炸速度会影响峰值粒子速度(PPV)。 ANFO产生了最大的PPV,而成分B的PPV略低。黑火药产生的PPV更低,这可能是因为它引爆而不是真正引爆。使用包括真实矢量求和在内的两种方法,将方程拟合到数据,以从Barre花岗岩中的受限爆炸中预测PPV。向量求和可更精确地测量粒子速度。我们发现PPV的频率随着距爆炸距离的增加而降低,因此,对于较大爆炸,在较低距离处的低频能量可能会超过振动极限,因此必须格外小心。



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