首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology >A narrative account of decision-making and interpersonal emotion regulation using a social-functional approach to emotions

A narrative account of decision-making and interpersonal emotion regulation using a social-functional approach to emotions


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Social psychology researchers have proposed a social-functional approach to emotions whereby emotions coordinate people's behaviour to meet the shared challenges in their environment [Keltner, D., Haidt, J., & Shiota, M.N. (2006). Social-functionalism and the evolution of emotions. In M. Schaller, J.A. Simpson, & D.T. Kenrick (Eds.), Evolution and social psychology (pp. 115-142). Madison, CT: Psychosocial Press]. Despite the social nature of sport, a social-functional approach to emotions has yet to be studied in this context. The purpose of the present study was to explore how the social functions of emotions might inform two ice hockey captains' decisions to regulate teammates' emotions. A narrative analysis revealed how the athletes' decisions if, when or how to regulate their teammates' emotions might be situated within a social-functional approach to emotions. Although the emotions evoked, the strategies used, and the social environment was constantly changing, the narratives illustrated the underlying social functions of emotions within each social context [Keltner, D., & Haidt, J. (1999). Social functions of emotions at four levels of analysis. Cognition and Emotion, 13, 505-521. doi:10.1080/026999399379168]. Specifically, at the individual level, participants described how emotions informed them of important circumstances in their environment that required attention and helped them prepare for such challenges. At a dyadic level, emotions helped participants gauge the emotional states and intentions of their teammates contributing towards an assessment of the extent to which they were prepared to face their challenges. At a group level, emotions helped participants lead their teammates in meeting shared goals. Finally, at a cultural level, emotions helped participants maintain culture-related identities. Findings illustrated the social functions naturally served by emotions.
机译:社会心理学研究人员提出了一种社会功能的情感方法,通过这种方法,情感可以协调人们的行为,以应对环境中的共同挑战[Keltner,D.,Haidt,J.,&Shiota,M.N. (2006)。社会功能主义与情感的演变。在M.Schaller,J.A.辛普森(Simpson)和D.T.肯里克(D.T. Kenrick)(编),《进化与社会心理学》(第115-142页)。麦迪逊,康涅狄格州:社会心理出版社]。尽管体育具有社会性质,但在这种情况下,尚需研究一种社交功能的情感方法。本研究的目的是探讨情绪的社会功能如何影响两名冰上曲棍球队长调节队友情绪的决定。叙事分析揭示了运动员的决定是否,何时或如何调节队友情绪的决定可能位于社交功能的情绪方法之内。尽管唤起了情感,所使用的策略以及社会环境在不断变化,但这些叙事说明了每种社会情境中情感的潜在社会功能[Keltner,D.,&Haidt,J.(1999)。情感的社会功能从四个层次进行分析。认知与情感,第13卷,第505-521页。 doi:10.1080 / 026999399379168]。具体来说,在个人层面,参与者描述了情绪如何告知他们周围环境中需要注意的重要情况,并帮助他们为应对此类挑战做好准备。在二进阶水平上,情绪可以帮助参与者评估队友的情绪状态和意图,从而有助于评估他们准备面对挑战的程度。在小组层面,情绪可以帮助参与者带领队友实现共同的目标。最后,在文化层面,情绪可以帮助参与者保持与文化相关的身份。调查结果说明了情感自然发挥的社会功能。



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