首页> 外文期刊>International journal of primatology >Determinants of Reproductive Performance Among Female Gray-Cheeked Mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena) in Kibale National Park, Uganda

Determinants of Reproductive Performance Among Female Gray-Cheeked Mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena) in Kibale National Park, Uganda

机译:乌干达基巴莱国家公园雌性灰颊Man(Lophocebus albigena)生殖性能的决定因素

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Identifying the causes of differential reproductive success is key to understanding natural selection and the forces of selection operating on animals. Here we present results from a 9-yr (2004-2012) study of female reproductive performance in relation to mother's age and rank, presence of immigrant males, rainfall, and fig fruit abundance in four groups of gray-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena) in Kibale National Park, Uganda. We found that females had a rank- and age-specific reproductive pattern, with high-ranking females maturing earlier, having their first births earlier, and exhibiting significantly slower reproductive aging than low-ranking females. We also found that both immigrant and resident males were associated with higher birth rates. Finally, we found that reproduction was aseasonal and did not correlate with rainfall, but that births correlated positively with the abundance of fruits of Ficus spp. Our results show broad similarities between arboreal, forest-dwelling gray-cheeked mangabeys and their more terrestrial, open habitat-dwelling papionin relatives in the importance of dominance rank in estrous cycle initiation, first reproduction, and reproductive aging.
机译:确定差异繁殖成功的原因是了解自然选择和选择对动物的作用力的关键。在这里,我们介绍了一项针对女性生殖能力的9年研究(2004-2012年)的结果,该研究与母亲的年龄和等级,男性移民的存在,降雨量以及无花果果实的丰度有关,它们分别来自四组灰颊猕猴(Lophocebus albigena)在乌干达的基巴莱国家公园。我们发现雌性具有特定的性别和年龄生殖模式,高级雌性较早成熟,第一胎出生较早,并且生殖衰老明显低于低级雌性。我们还发现,移民男性和居民男性均与较高的出生率有关。最后,我们发现繁殖是反季节的,与降雨没有关系,但是出生与榕树的果实丰度成正相关。我们的研究结果表明,栖居在森林中的灰颊树栖喜树猴与陆生,居住在陆地上的空旷的木瓜蛋白酶亲戚之间的相似点在发情周期的起始,初次繁殖和生殖衰老中的支配地位的重要性上。



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