首页> 外文期刊>International journal of primatology >Using Species Distribution Modeling to Assess Factors that Determine the Distribution of Two Parapatric Howlers (Alouatta spp.) in South America

Using Species Distribution Modeling to Assess Factors that Determine the Distribution of Two Parapatric Howlers (Alouatta spp.) in South America

机译:使用物种分布模型来评估确定两个南美patri叫动物(Alouatta spp。)分布的因素

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Through presence-only data, ecological niche modeling can use environmental variables to generate maps of areas that are potentially suitable for the presence of a species, improving our knowledge of its niche requirements and extending our understanding of its geographic distribution. We used the ecological niche model MaxEnt to predict the potential distribution of black-and-gold howlers (Alouatta caraya) and brown howlers (Alouatta guariba clamitans) in South America, as well as the potential sympatry area between both species. We modeled distributions of Alouatta caraya (196 presence localities, 8 bioclimatic variables) and A. guariba clamitans (74 presence localities, 13 bioclimatic variables) using bioclimatic variables from WorldClim with habitat suitability categorized as low, moderate, or high. Alouatta caraya showed a broader potential distribution, occupying a wide variety of habitats in a broad range of temperatures. Temperature annual range (Bio 7) was the bioclimatic variable with most influence in modeling the potential distribution of this species. Alouatta guariba clamitans was more restricted to rainy areas of mature forests at higher altitudes with low minimum temperatures. Mean temperature of coldest quarter (Bio 11) was the bioclimatic variable with the highest influence in this model. The predicted area of potential sympatry of both species was a relatively small area in the interior Atlantic Forest ecoregion, and a new syntopy locality occurred within the predicted area of sympatry. This narrow zone of overlap could be maintained, among other causes, by the role of the Parana River as a natural barrier for dispersion, differences in niche requirements, potential interspecific competition, and hybridization.
机译:通过仅存在数据,生态位生态建模可以使用环境变量来生成可能适合某个物种存在的区域地图,从而提高我们对其生态位需求的了解并扩展我们对其物种分布的理解。我们使用生态位模型MaxEnt来预测南美南美洲黑金how鱼(Alouatta caraya)和褐海ler鱼(Alouatta guariba clamitans)的潜在分布以及这两个物种之间的潜在交配区域。我们使用来自WorldClim的生物气候变量对栖息地适宜性分为低,中或高的Alouatta caraya(196个存在区域,8个生物气候变量)和A. guariba clamitans(74个存在区域,13个生物气候变量)的分布进行建模。 Alouatta caraya表现出更广泛的潜在分布,在各种温度下都占据了各种栖息地。温度年度范围(Bio 7)是在模拟该物种的潜在分布方面影响最大的生物气候变量。 Alouatta guariba clamitans仅限于海拔较高且最低温度较低的成熟森林的雨水地区。在该模型中,最冷季度的平均温度(Bio 11)是影响最大的生物气候变量。两种物种的潜在共生的预测面积在大西洋森林生态区内部相对较小,并且在该共生的预测范围内出现了新的同位点。除其他原因外,可以通过巴拉那河作为分散的自然屏障,利基需求的差异,潜在的种间竞争和杂交的作用,来维持这一狭窄的重叠区域。



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