首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics >Daily orthogonal kilovoltage imaging using a gantry-mounted on-board imaging system results in a reduction in radiation therapy delivery errors

Daily orthogonal kilovoltage imaging using a gantry-mounted on-board imaging system results in a reduction in radiation therapy delivery errors


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Purpose: To determine whether the use of routine image guided radiation therapy (IGRT) using pretreatment on-board imaging (OBI) with orthogonal kilovoltage X-rays reduces treatment delivery errors. Methods and Materials: A retrospective review of documented treatment delivery errors from 2003 to 2009 was performed. Following implementation of IGRT in 2007, patients received daily OBI with orthogonal kV X-rays prior to treatment. The frequency of errors in the pre- and post-IGRT time frames was compared. Treatment errors (TEs) were classified as IGRT-preventable or non-IGRT-preventable. Results: A total of 71,260 treatment fractions were delivered to 2764 patients. A total of 135 (0.19%) TEs occurred in 39 (1.4%) patients (3.2% in 2003, 1.1% in 2004, 2.5% in 2005, 2% in 2006, 0.86% in 2007, 0.24% in 2008, and 0.22% in 2009). In 2007, the TE rate decreased by >50% and has remained low (P =.00007, compared to before 2007). Errors were classified as being potentially preventable with IGRT (e.g., incorrect site, patient, or isocenter) vs. not. No patients had any IGRT-preventable TEs from 2007 to 2009, whereas there were 9 from 2003 to 2006 (1 in 2003, 2 in 2004, 2 in 2005, and 4 in 2006; P =.0058) before the implementation of IGRT. Conclusions: IGRT implementation has a patient safety benefit with a significant reduction in treatment delivery errors. As such, we recommend the use of IGRT in routine practice to complement existing quality assurance measures.
机译:目的:确定使用带有正交千伏X射线的机载预处理成像(OBI)的常规图像引导放射疗法(IGRT)的使用是否能减少治疗传递误差。方法和材料:对2003年至2009年记录的治疗实施错误进行回顾性审查。在2007年实施IGRT之后,患者在治疗前每天接受正交kV X射线进行的OBI治疗。比较了IGRT之前和之后时间范围内的错误频率。治疗错误(TE)分为可预防的IGRT或不可预防的IGRT。结果:共向2764名患者提供了71,260个治疗分数。 39名(1.4%)患者共发生135(0.19%)TEs(2003年为3.2%,2004年为1.1%,2005年为2.5%,2006年为2%,2007年为0.86%,2008年为0.24%,0.22 % 在2009年)。 2007年,TE率下降了> 50%,并且一直保持较低水平(与2007年之前相比,P = .00007)。错误被归类为使用IGRT可以预防(例如,不正确的部位,患者或等中心)或不能。在实施IGRT之前,没有患者在2007年至2009年间接受过IGRT预防的TE,而在2003年至2006年间有9个(2003年为1个,2004年为2个,2005年为2个,2006年为4个; P = .0058)。结论:实施IGRT可以为患者带来安全利益,并显着减少治疗交付错误。因此,我们建议在常规实践中使用IGRT,以补充现有的质量保证措施。



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