首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Refrigeration >A simple model for falling film absorption on vertical tubes in the presence of non-absorbables

A simple model for falling film absorption on vertical tubes in the presence of non-absorbables


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Most water-lithium bromide (LiBr) absorption chillers have a purge system to remove non-absorbable gases that cause a reduction in cooling capacity. Generally, the non-absorbables are originated in corrosion/passivation processes inside the machine, but leaks can also be a source of concern. However, since leaks must be corrected immediately to avoid machine deterioration, this study is mostly aimed at the non-absorbables evolved during operation. This paper analyses the effect of inlet non-absorbable air concentration, outlet purge velocity, absorber pressure and cooling water temperature on the falling film absorption process inside a vertical tube absorber, based on a simple transport coefficient model. This model consists of three ordinary differential equations solved with as method for initial-value problem, and a set of auxiliary equations. The study shows that the effect of non-absorbables can be significant, and furthermore provides a quantitative framework to aid in purge design. The nominal working conditions in this study were a solution Reynolds number of 100, an absorber pressure of 1.3 kPa, a cooling water temperature of 35 ℃ and an inlet solution concentration of 62% LiBr by weight. The results indicate that a minimum vapour velocity is required to sweep the non-absorbables along the absorber towards the purge, thus preventing reduced absorption fluxes. At a cooling water temperature of 35 ℃, an inlet air concentration of 20% (by mole) resulted in a 61% reduction in mass absorption flux.
机译:大多数水溴化锂(LiBr)吸收式冷却器都具有吹扫系统,以除去导致冷却能力降低的不可吸收气体。通常,不可吸收物是由机器内部的腐蚀/钝化过程引起的,但泄漏也可能引起关注。但是,由于必须立即纠正泄漏以避免机器损坏,因此本研究主要针对操作过程中产生的不可吸收物。本文基于简单的输运系数模型,分析了入口不可吸收空气浓度,出口吹扫速度,吸收器压力和冷却水温度对垂直管吸收器内部降膜吸收过程的影响。该模型由三个初值问题的常微分方程和一组辅助方程组成。研究表明,不可吸收物质的影响可能很明显,而且还提供了有助于净化设计的定量框架。在这项研究中,标称工作条件为溶液雷诺数为100,吸收器压力为1.3 kPa,冷却水温度为35℃,入口溶液浓度为62%(重量)的溴化锂。结果表明,需要最小的蒸汽速度才能将非吸收性物质沿吸收器吹扫至吹扫,从而防止吸收通量减少。在冷却水温度为35℃时,进气浓度为20%(摩尔)导致质量吸收通量降低61%。



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