首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Pharmaceutics >Measurement of agitation force in dissolution test and mechanical destructive force in disintegration test.

Measurement of agitation force in dissolution test and mechanical destructive force in disintegration test.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the agitation force and mechanical destructive force on the drug dissolution of a tablet in the paddle rotation dissolution test and in the disintegration test. The agitation in the paddle method and the mechanical destructive force in the disintegration test were considered to be conclusive factors for drug dissolution. The dissolution rate of planar-constant-release tablets increased with increasing paddle rotation speed and increased with increasing distance from the center of the vessel bottom. Separately, the fluid resistance (agitation force) in the vessel was measured using a modified paddle method apparatus equipped with a fluid resistance sensor. The fluid resistance was 0.03x10(-3) N/(64 mm(2)) when the paddle rotation speed was 50 rpm at a position 4 mm away from the center. A considerable position-dependent change in agitation force intensity was seen with the fluid resistance sensor. The impulsive force (mechanical destructive force) in the disintegration test apparatus was measured using a modified basket-rack assembly with a strain gauge transducer. The fluid resistance was measured using the basket-rack assembly with a different sensor probe and amplifier. The impulsive force applied by the auxiliary disk was 0.31 N and the fluid resistance at the bottom of the basket-rack assembly was 1.66x10(-3) N/(64 mm(2)).
机译:这项研究的目的是在桨旋转溶出试验和崩解试验中研究搅拌力和机械破坏力对片剂药物溶出的影响。桨法的搅拌和崩解试验中的机械破坏力被认为是药物溶解的决定性因素。平面恒定释放片剂的溶出度随着桨叶旋转速度的增加而增加,并随着与容器底部中心距离的增加而增加。单独地,使用配备有流体阻力传感器的改进的桨式方法设备来测量容器中的流体阻力(搅拌力)。当桨叶旋转速度在距中心4 mm处为50 rpm时,流体阻力为0.03x10(-3)N /(64 mm(2))。在流体阻力传感器中,可以看到搅拌力强度在很大程度上取决于位置。使用带有应变仪传感器的改进型篮架组件测量崩解测试设备中的冲击力(机械破坏力)。使用带有不同传感器探头和放大器的篮架组件测量流体阻力。辅助磁盘施加的脉冲力为0.31 N,篮筐式机架底部的流体阻力为1.66x10(-3)N /(64 mm(2))。



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