首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Pharmaceutics >Solid dispersions of itraconazole for inhalation with enhanced dissolution, solubility and dispersion properties

Solid dispersions of itraconazole for inhalation with enhanced dissolution, solubility and dispersion properties


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The purpose of this study was to produce a dry powder for inhalation (DPI) of a poorly soluble active ingredient (itraconazole: ITZ) that would present an improved dissolution rate and enhanced solubility with good aerosolization properties. Solid dispersions of amorphous ITZ, mannitol and, when applicable, d-α-tocopherol polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate (TPGS) were produced by spray-drying hydro-alcoholic solutions in which all agents were dissolved. These dry formulations were characterized in terms of their aerosol performances and their dissolution, solubility and physical properties. Modulate differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray powder diffraction analyses showed that ITZ recovered from the different spray-dried solutions was in an amorphous state and that mannitol was crystalline. The inlet drying temperature and, indirectly, the outlet temperature selected during the spray-drying were critical parameters. The outlet temperature should be below the ITZ glass transition temperature to avoid severe particle agglomeration. The formation of a solid dispersion between amorphous ITZ and mannitol allowed the dry powder to be produced with an improved dissolution rate, greater saturation solubility than bulk ITZ and good aerosol properties. The use of a polymeric surfactant (such as TPGS) was beneficial in terms of dissolution rate acceleration and solubility enhancement, but it also reduced aerosol performance. For example, significant dissolution rate acceleration (f 2 < 50) and greater saturation solubility were obtained when introducing 1% (w/w) TPGS (mean dissolution time dropped from 50.4 min to 36.9 min and saturation solubility increased from 20 ± 3 ng/ml to 46 ± 2 ng/ml). However, the fine particle fraction dropped from 47 ± 2% to 37.2 ± 0.4%. This study showed that mannitol solid dispersions may provide an effective formulation type for producing DPIs of poorly soluble active ingredients, as exemplified by ITZ.
机译:这项研究的目的是生产一种可溶性差的活性成分(伊曲康唑:ITZ)的干粉吸入剂(DPI),该干粉具有更高的溶出速率和更高的溶解度,并具有良好的雾化性能。无定形ITZ,甘露醇和(如果适用)d-α-生育酚聚乙二醇1000琥珀酸酯(TPGS)的固体分散体是通过将所有试剂溶解在其中的水-醇溶液喷雾干燥而制得的。这些干燥制剂的气溶胶性能,溶解度,溶解度和物理性质均得到了表征。调制差示扫描量热法和X射线粉末衍射分析表明,从不同喷雾干燥溶液中回收的ITZ处于非晶态,甘露醇为结晶。在喷雾干燥期间选择的入口干燥温度以及间接的出口温度是关键参数。出口温度应低于ITZ玻璃转化温度,以避免严重的团聚。在无定形ITZ和甘露醇之间形成固体分散体,使得干粉的溶解速度得以提高,饱和溶度比散装ITZ高,气溶胶性能也得到提高。就加速溶解速率和提高溶解度而言,使用聚合物表面活性剂(如TPGS)是有益的,但也会降低气溶胶性能。例如,当引入1%(w / w)TPGS时,可获得显着的溶出速率加速(f 2 <50)和更高的饱和溶解度(平均溶解时间从50.4分钟降低至36.9分钟,饱和溶解度从20±3 ng /毫升至46±2 ng / ml)。然而,细粒分数从47±2%下降至37.2±0.4%。这项研究表明,以ITZ为例,甘露醇固体分散体可为生产难溶性活性成分的DPI提供有效的制剂类型。



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