首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Phytoremediation >Evaluation of agriculture-based phytoremediation in pacific island ecosystems using trisector planters

Evaluation of agriculture-based phytoremediation in pacific island ecosystems using trisector planters


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It is difficult to directly evaluate the efficacy of phytoremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants embedded in deep soil layers, especially if the contaminants are of relatively low concentration and are unevenly distributed. This report describes the greenhouse and laboratory experiments carried out to evaluate a field demonstration project. A trisector planter was designed to simulate field conditions, including soil profiles and field management of the trees selected. The third or bottom section of the planter was spiked with known quantities of 6 diesel-fuel components and the reduction of their concentrations was monitored after 200 days under the influence of the plant root systems. Results are statistically compared; among the three tree species used, milo (Thespesia populnea) and kou (Cordia subcordata) are more effective than false sandalwood (Myoporum sandwicense) in reducing the concentration of the spiked contaminant. Enumerations of populations of hydrocarbon-degrading microoorganisms in the bottom section suggest that biodegradation may be affected by the response of microorganisms to both the "close rhizosphere" (soil within I mm of the root) and the "expanded rhizosphere" (soil in the bottom section after root removal). Root exudates leached from the upper sections could be responsible for the expanded rhizosphere effect in the bottom section.
机译:很难直接评估深层土壤中埋藏的石油碳氢化合物污染物的植物修复功效,尤其是当污染物的浓度相对较低且分布不均时。本报告介绍了为评估田间示范项目而进行的温室和实验室实验。设计三叉式播种机来模拟田间条件,包括土壤剖面和所选树木的田间管理。在播种机的第三部分或底部添加已知数量的6种柴油燃料成分,并在植物根系的影响下200天后监测其浓度的降低。对结果进行统计比较;在使用的三种树种中,milo(Thespesia populnea)和kou(Cordia subcordata)在降低加标污染物浓度方面比假檀香(Myoporum sandwicense)更有效。底部部分对碳氢化合物降解微生物的种群计数表明,微生物对“紧密根际”(根部1 mm内的土壤)和“膨胀根际”(底部的土壤)的响应都可能影响生物降解。移除根后的部分)。从上部浸出的根系分泌物可能是底部扩大的根际效应的原因。



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