
Chapter 1. Introduction

机译:第 1 章。介绍



1 Introduction By G. A. WEBB Department of Chemistry University of Surrey Guildford Surrey UK GU2 5XH Volume 94 of Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry Section C consists of a collection of core and more specialised topics from the areas of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry as established in previous members of this series. It gives me much pleasure to introduce the eleven egregious reports which comprise this volume. As usual it has been a very pleasant and rewarding duty for me to have the opportunity to read these reports and I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the authors who furnished them and to the sta§ at the Royal Society of Chemistry who are responsible for the production of this volume. The topics presented are New trends in ab initio valence bond theory by P.B. Karadakov; Quantum mechanical treatment of enzyme reactions by G. Na� ray-Szabo� and D. K. Menyha� rd; Dispersive kinetics by A. Plonka; Charge densities from X-ray di§raction data by M. A. Spackman; Organised molecular assemblies on the surfaces of inorganic solids–photofunctional inorganic–organic supramolecular systems by M. Ogawa; Nuclear quadrupole resonance and relaxation by J. A. S. Smith; Photofragment fluorescence following vacuum ultraviolet excitation using synchrotron radiation by J. C. Whitehead; Recent applications and developments in ZEKE spectroscopy by M. C. R. Cockett K. Mu� ller-Dethlefs and T. G. Wright; Femtosecond phase spectroscopy by T. Kobayashi; Optimal control of molecular dynamics by light presented by Y.-J. Yan; and finally S. L. Randzio has reported on Recent developments in calorimetry. My thanks go to all of these reporters for the prompt production of accounts which are comprehensive without being prolix in d
机译:1 引言 作者:G. A. WEBB 英国萨里郡吉尔福德大学化学系 GU2 5XH 第 94 卷《化学进展年度报告》C 部分由本系列前几成员建立的化学物理和物理化学领域的核心和更专业的主题集合组成。我非常高兴地介绍构成本卷的11份令人震惊的报告。像往常一样,有机会阅读这些报告对我来说是一项非常愉快和有益的职责,我想借此机会向提供这些报告的作者和负责编写本卷的皇家化学学会主席表示衷心的感谢。所讨论的主题是 P.B. Karadakov 的从头价键理论的新趋势;G. Na ray-Szabo 和 D. K. Menyha rd 对酶反应的量子力学处理;A. Plonka 的色散动力学;M. A. Spackman 的 X 射线衍射数据中的电荷密度;M. Ogawa 在无机固体-光功能无机-有机超分子系统表面的有组织分子组装;核四极共振和弛豫,作者:J. A. S. Smith;J. C. Whitehead使用同步辐射进行真空紫外激发后的光碎片荧光;M. C. R. Cockett、K. Mu、ller-Dethlefs 和 TG Wright 在 ZEKE 光谱学中的最新应用和发展;Femtosecond phase spectroscopy by T.小林;Y.-J.提出的光对分子动力学的最优控制燕;最后,S. L. Randzio 报告了量热法的最新发展。我感谢所有这些记者迅速制作了全面而又不乏味的叙述。



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