首页> 外文期刊>International journal of modern physics, D. Gravitation, astrophysics, cosmology >Using the Crab Nebula as a high precision calibrator for cosmic microwave background polarimeters

Using the Crab Nebula as a high precision calibrator for cosmic microwave background polarimeters


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The polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) provides a plethora of information about the early universe. Most notably, gravitational waves from the Inflationary epoch (the leading explanation of the origin of the universe) create a unique CMB polarization B-mode signal. An unambiguous detection of the Inflationary B-mode signal would be a window into the physics of the universe as it was 10(-36) s after the Big Bang, at energy scales many orders of magnitude larger than what the LHC can produce. However, there are several instrumental and astrophysical sources that can obfuscate the Inflationary B-mode signal. One of the most difficult parameters to calibrate for CMB telescopes is the absolute orientation of the antenna's polarization sensitive axis. A miscalibration of the polarization orientation rotates the much brighter E-mode signal, producing a false B-mode signal. The current best uncertainty on polarization orientation in the CMB community is 0.5 degrees set from extrapolating IRAM measurements of the Crab Nebula supernova remnant at 90 GHz to 150 GHz, where the CMB signals peak. This accuracy is not sufficient to convincingly detect B-modes predicted by currently allowable models of Inflation. We suggest to precisely measure the Crab Nebula's polarization, which can be calibrated absolutely to 0.1 degrees from measurements of the polarized emission of Mars, and use these data to calibrate current and upcoming CMB experiments. In addition to Inflationary B-modes, more precise calibration will allow us to better constrain the sum of the neutrino masses and set limits on exotic physics such as parity violation through cosmic polarization rotation.
机译:宇宙微波背景(CMB)的极化提供了有关早期宇宙的大量信息。最值得注意的是,来自通货膨胀时代的引力波(对宇宙起源的主要解释)产生了独特的CMB偏振B模式信号。明确地检测到通货膨胀的B模式信号将是进入宇宙物理学的窗口,因为它是在大爆炸之后的10(-36)s,其能量尺度比LHC产生的能量大许多数量级。但是,有一些仪器和天体的源可能会混淆通货膨胀的B模式信号。 CMB望远镜最难校准的参数之一是天线极化敏感轴的绝对方向。偏振方向的错误校准会旋转明亮得多的E模式信号,从而产生错误的B模式信号。 CMB社区当前关于极化方向的最佳不确定度是根据CMB信号达到峰值的90 GHz至150 GHz的蟹状星云超新星残骸的IRAM测量推断得出的0.5度设置。该准确性不足以令人信服地检测由当前允许的通货膨胀模型预测的B模式。我们建议精确测量蟹状星云的极化,从火星极化发射的测量结果可以绝对将其校准到0.1度,并使用这些数据来校准当前和即将进行的CMB实验。除了通货膨胀B模式外,更精确的校准将使我们可以更好地约束中微子质量的总和,并为诸如通过宇宙极化旋转引起的奇偶校验违规等奇特物理设置极限。



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