
Kinematic properties of damped lyman alpha systems


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In a previous paper, we determined the statistical distributions for various classes of QSO absorption systems in the framework of the CDM model of the universe with a mass distribution of dark matter halos as given by the Press Schechter mechanism. These were shown to be consistent with the observed distributions for reasonable choices of model parameters. In this paper, we generate Voigt profiles of C IV lines associated with Damped Lyman Alpha systems in the framework of this model, taking into account rotation of disks and random motion of clouds embedded in galactic halos. We compare these with the profiles for a sample of 32 Damped Lyman Alpha systems collected from the literature by performing several statistical tests. These tests compare the width and the degree of asymmetry in the line profiles produced by the rotation of randomly inclined disks and the random velocity of clouds in the galactic halos, with the corresponding quantities in the observed profiles. We find that the kinematic properties predicted by the model are in good agreement with observations provided the disk thickness is about ten thousand times smaller than its radius, which indicates that the material in the disks is concentrated in dense clouds with roughly unit covering factor.
机译:在先前的论文中,我们确定了宇宙的CDM模型框架中各类QSO吸收系统的统计分布,并按Press Schechter机制给出了暗物质晕的质量分布。这些表明与合理选择模型参数所观察到的分布一致。在本文中,我们考虑到磁盘的旋转和嵌入银河晕中的云的随机运动,在此模型的框架内生成与阻尼Lyman Alpha系统相关的C IV线的Voigt轮廓。通过进行一些统计测试,我们将这些数据与从文献中收集的32个阻尼Lyman Alpha系统样本的轮廓进行了比较。这些测试将由随机倾斜的磁盘的旋转产生的线轮廓的宽度和不对称程度以及银晕中云的随机速度与观察到的轮廓中的相应数量进行了比较。我们发现,该模型预测的运动学特性与观测值吻合得很好,前提是盘厚度小于其半径的一万倍,这表明盘中的物质集中在密集的云层中,其单位覆盖因子大致相同。



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