首页> 外文期刊>International journal of modern physics, D. Gravitation, astrophysics, cosmology >Quantum-to-classical transition for fluctuations in the early universe

Quantum-to-classical transition for fluctuations in the early universe


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According to the inflationary scenario for the very early Universe, all inhomogeneities in the Universe are of genuine quantum origin. On the other hand, looking at these inhomogeneities and measuring them, clearly no specific quantum mechanical properties are observed. We show how the transition from their inherent quantum gravitational nature to classical behavior comes about - a transition whereby none of the successful quantitative predictions of the inflationary scenario for the present-day universe is changed. This is made possible by two properties. First, the quantum state for the spacetime metric perturbations produced by quantum gravitational effects in the early Universe becomes very special (highly squeezed) as a result of the expansion of the Universe (as long as the wavelength of the perturbations exceeds the Hubble radius). Second, decoherence through the environment distinguishes the field amplitude basis as being the pointer basis. This renders the perturbations presently indistinguishable from stochastic classical inhomogeneities. [References: 23]
机译:根据早期宇宙的通货膨胀情况,宇宙中的所有不均匀性都是真正的量子起源。另一方面,查看这些不均匀性并进行测量,显然没有观察到特定的量子力学性质。我们展示了从其固有的量子引力性质到经典行为的转变是如何发生的,在这种转变中,当今宇宙通货膨胀情景的成功定量预测都没有改变。这可以通过两个属性来实现。首先,由于宇宙的膨胀(只要扰动的波长超过哈勃半径),在早期宇宙中由量子引力效应产生的时空度量扰动的量子态就变得非常特殊(高度压缩)。其次,通过环境的退相干将场振幅基础区分为指针基础。这使得目前的扰动与随机经典不均匀性无法区分。 [参考:23]



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