首页> 外文期刊>International journal of modern physics, D. Gravitation, astrophysics, cosmology >Electrically charged cold black holes in scalar-tensor theories

Electrically charged cold black holes in scalar-tensor theories


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We study the possible existence of charged black holes in the Bergmann-Wagoner class of scalar-tensor theories (STT) of gravity in four dimensions. The existence of black holes is shown for anomalous versions of these theories, with a negative kinetic term in the Lagrangian. The Hawking temperature T_H of these holes is zero, while the horizon area is (in most cases) infinite. As a special case, the Brans-Dicke theory is studied in more detail, and two kinds of infinite-area black holes are revealed, with finite and infinite proper time needed for an infalling particle to reach the horizon; among them, analyticity properties select a discrete subfamily of solutions, parametrized by two integers, which admit an extension beyond the horizon. The causal structure and stability of these solutions with respect to small radial perturbations is discussed. As a by-product, the stability properties of all spherically symmetric electrovacuum STT solutions are outlined.



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