首页> 外文期刊>International journal of occupational and environmental health : >Patterns of lung diseases in former mine workers of the former Republic of the Transkei: an X-ray-based study.

Patterns of lung diseases in former mine workers of the former Republic of the Transkei: an X-ray-based study.


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The Transkei is one of two regions from which a majority of South African mine workers used to be recruited, and the destination to which many return. The study was done to determine the prevalences of lung diseases in these ex-workers, links between these diseases and age, links between diseases and duration of mining, and the association between silicosis and tuberculosis. It was done in Umtata General Hospital. Participants' (n = 300) ages ranged from 35 to 66+ years (mean 51.6). Durations of mining ranged from < 1 to 31+ years. 29/300 X-rays (9.6%) were unreadable; 59 (21.8%) were disease-free; and 212 (78.2%) showed lung abnormalities. Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) with or without silicosis was evident in 64.2% of the x-rays, silicosis with or without PTB in 34%, COPD in 7%, and asbestosis in 1.5%. The relative risk for tuberculosis was 5.08 (2.58-9.88) for men with silicosis compared with others, p < 0.01. The extremely high burden of lung disease in ex-mine workers places enormous challenges on health service delivery systems and compensation authorities.
机译:特兰斯凯(Transkei)是过去曾招募大多数南非矿山工人的两个地区之一,也是许多人返回的目的地。进行了这项研究,以确定这些工人中肺部疾病的患病率,这些疾病与年龄之间的联系,疾病与采矿时间之间的联系以及矽肺病和肺结核之间的关系。它在Umtata综合医院完成。参与者的年龄(n = 300)介于35岁至66岁以上(平均51.6岁)。开采持续时间从<1到31+年不等。 29/300次X射线(9.6%)不可读; 59(21.8%)没有疾病; 212例(78.2%)表现出肺部异常。 X线片中有或没有矽肺病的肺结核(PTB)占64.2%,有或没有PTB的矽肺病占34%,COPD占7%,石棉沉着症占1.5%。矽肺病男性的结核病相对风险为5.08(2.58-9.88),p <0.01。地雷工人肺部疾病的极高负担对卫生服务提供系统和赔偿机构提出了巨大挑战。



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