首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Radiology >Extolling 'palliative radiology' in the frail and elderly: each drop makes an ocean!

Extolling 'palliative radiology' in the frail and elderly: each drop makes an ocean!


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To the Editor, Having read the article "Pitfalls in imaging the frail elderly" by Fawcett and McCoubrie in a recent issue of the BJR, the following quote comes to my mind: "If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it", which arguably Albert Einstein is quoted as having said. I would like to congratulate the authors on raking up the attention of the readers to this critical issue and shedding light on the pathway of "palliative radiology", urging the use of a minimum number of minimally invasive investigations aimed at improving the quality of life, maximizing comfort and maintaining function in frail and elderly patients. Indeed, the authors have taken a step, sufficiently well, of rigorously defining the problem that every single one of us should collectively endeavour to address. The subject matter, although seemingly elementary, is of immense importance and indubitably merits better understanding, not only by radiologists but also by the medical profession at large. Certainly, different aspects of this multifaceted subject have to be appraised and understood as it does constitute an emerging conundrum.



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