首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases >Study of apoptosis in skin lesions of leprosy in relation to treatment and lepra reactions.

Study of apoptosis in skin lesions of leprosy in relation to treatment and lepra reactions.


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In leprosy on treatment, one factor contributing to the healing of skin lesions with minimal fibrosis may be apoptosis of inflammatory cells, even though apoptosis is sparse in leprosy as compared to tuberculosis. The degree of apoptosis in skin lesions of leprosy was studied by histopathologic examination (HPE) and by DNA fragmentation and electrophoresis. The effect of various parameters on apoptosis was noted in untreated disease, during treatment at 3 and 6 months, and in lepra reactions in different parts of the spectrum of leprosy. Of the 31 patients, 13 had paucibacillary (PB) and 18 multibacillary (MB) disease. Twenty one patients were in reaction: 16 had type 1 reaction and 5 had type 2 reaction. The controls included patients with non-granulomatous skin diseases; there were no normal controls, and no separate controls for cases with reaction. Apoptosis occurred more frequently in patients with leprosy as compared to the controls. In both PB & MB lesions, apoptosis was observed to increase progressively with treatment at 3 and 6 months, and was more prominent in the MB cases at 6 months of treatment. When lesions in either type 1 or type 2 reaction were compared to lesions not in reaction, a significant increase in apoptosis (p 0.014) was found only in lesions with type 2 reaction and those which were at 6 months of treatment. The type of treatment regimen, or oral steroids given for reactions, did not significantly alter the degree of apoptosis. Our observations indicate that increased apoptosis is present in leprosy lesions and that in leprosy it progressively increases with anti-leprosy treatment up to 6 months. If the process of apoptosis in skin lesions is followed up for a longer period of time, the degree of apoptosis may be expected to decline. The study of apoptosis may help to understand the mechanism of clearance of bacilli and resolution of granulomas in leprosy patients.
机译:在麻风病治疗中,尽管与结核病相比,麻风病的细胞凋亡很少,但炎症程度最高的一个因素可能是炎症细胞的凋亡。通过组织病理学检查(HPE)以及通过DNA片段化和电泳研究了麻风病皮肤损伤中的凋亡程度。在未治疗的疾病中,在治疗的3个月和6个月期间以及在麻风病谱的不同部分的麻风反应中,注意到了各种参数对细胞凋亡的影响。在这31例患者中,有13例患有痤疮(PB)和18例多细菌(MB)。有21位患者在反应:16位发生1型反应,5位发生2型反应。对照组包括患有非肉芽肿性皮肤病的患者。没有正常对照,也没有针对发生反应的病例的单独对照。与对照相比,麻风患者的细胞凋亡更为频繁。在PB和MB病变中,均观察到在治疗3个月和6个月时细胞凋亡逐渐增加,在治疗6个月的MB病例中更明显。当将1型或2型反应的病变与未反应的病变进行比较时,仅在2型反应的病变和治疗6个月的病变中发现凋亡的显着增加(p 0.014)。治疗方案的类型或用于反应的口服类固醇激素并未显着改变细胞凋亡程度。我们的观察结果表明,麻风病灶中存在凋亡增加,而在麻风病中,经过长达6个月的抗麻风病治疗,凋亡逐渐增加。如果长期跟踪皮肤损伤中的细胞凋亡过程,则预期细胞凋亡程度会下降。凋亡的研究可能有助于了解麻风病患者细菌清除和肉芽肿消退的机制。



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