首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture: Design, research and application >An automatic spindle speed selection strategy to obtain stability in high-speed milling

An automatic spindle speed selection strategy to obtain stability in high-speed milling


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Chatter vibration problems arise during machining. This paper aims to produce a strategy that can detect the emergence of chatter so that subsequently, in accordance with the lobe on the stability diagram where the process is located, the proper strategy may be determined, either by taking the machine to a stable spindle speed or causing continuous variation in spindle speed. The effectiveness of this strategy is contrasted for a number of different cases, using both simulation and experimental testing. The context targeted by the strategy is a high-speed mill roughing operation for cases of vibration arising on the headstock/cutting tool unit, when high material removal rates (MRR) must be maintained. Industrial implementation of the strategy and the chatter detection and diagnosis algorithm is carried out using a portable digital assistant (PDA).



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