首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Information Security >Security policies enforcement using finite and pushdown edit automata

Security policies enforcement using finite and pushdown edit automata


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Edit automata have been introduced by J.Ligatti et al. as a model for security enforcement mechanisms which work at run time. In a distributed interacting system, they play a role of a monitor that runs in parallel with a target program and transforms its execution sequence into a sequence that obeys the security property. In this paper, we characterize security properties which are enforceable by finite edit automata (i.e. edit automata with a finite set of states) and deterministic context-free edit automata (i.e. finite edit automata extended with a stack). We prove that the properties enforceable by finite edit automata are a sub-class of regular sets. Moreover, given a regular set O(n~), whether P is enforceable by a finite edit automaton (where n is the number of states of the finite automaton recognizing P) and we give an algorithm to synthesize the controller. Moreover, we prove that safety policies are always enforced by a deterministic context-free edit automaton. We also prove that it is possible to check if a policy is a safety policy in O(n~). Finally, we give a topological condition on the deterministic automaton expressing a regular policy enforceable by a deterministic context-free edit automaton.



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